Sitemap - 2024 - Suzanne Taylor’s Now What?

A call to our better angels is being made

A call to our better angels is being made

What the hell are we going to do? Part Two

What the hell are we going to do? Part Two

What the hell are we going to do? Part Two

What the hell are we going to do to deal with how FUBAR we are?

What the hell are we going to do to deal with how FUBAR we are?

Greg Palast takes off on Elon Musk

Greg Palast takes off on Elon Musk

This could inspire the world

Great Substack posts by other authors

Great Substack posts by other authors

Talking turkey today

Talking turkey today

Getting us out of the mess we are in

Fear and Loathing in the USA

The Crisis Report - 96

It takes disasters to get massive changes to happen

It takes disasters to get massive changes to happen

It takes disasters to get massive changes to happen

Let's do something already to turn the world around

Electing Trump may have saved humanity

The Dream of the Earth

Worth an extra post this week

Making a case for how the world could be different

Get this to Harris!!!!!

Getting on with getting on

Getting on with getting on

Let's do something already to turn the world around

Electing Trump may have saved humanity

The Great Dismantling: Trump’s Coming Attack on America’s Economic Backbone

Worse days are ahead. So are better ones

Electing Trump may have saved humanity


The Dream of the Earth

Will the Corporatocracy Stand?

The Dream of the Earth

Making a case for how the world could be different

Worth an extra post this week

Making a case for how the world could be different

Get this to Harris!!!!!

Get this to Harris!!!!!

Getting on with getting on

Let's do something already to turn the world around

Let's do something already to turn the world around

There's an evolution going on

Nobody is looking to create a change of heart by humanity

Nudging for changeful thinking

Nobody is looking to create a change of heart by humanity

We need to deal with a spiritual crisis

How to spread my idea?

Me and billionaires

What massive something would get everyone rethinking?

Stop destroying each other and start saving each other

Get smart about capitalism as the core culprit

What we-the-people could do

Another winner!

How will we save the world?

Job Openings


The Intelligence teaches me

Roadmap to the Future: Part Two

In the Spirit of America for its day of celebration

Out on some limbs about billionaires and the success of humanity

The Call of We-the-People

Why don't we have a Suggestion Box?

Delivering the Universe Story

Saving the World

There's an evolution going on

It Was Unthinkable. Then It Happened.

Here's my story

Here's my story

My miracle story

We need to deal with a spiritual crisis

Nudging for changeful thinking

Get free money

Here's my story

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Was Incomplete

Nobody is looking to create a change of heart by humanity

Alternative Cultures Are Beautiful and Important. They're Also Not Enough.

My miracle story

The Harris Trump “Debate”

We need to deal with a spiritual crisis

Nudging for changeful thinking

Get free money

Get free money

Gov on the Rocks

Inspiration to think outside the box

On the road to the next reality

On the road to the next reality

How to spread my idea?

Getting people on a positive track

Getting people on a positive track

The urgency of NOW

The urgency of NOW

Looking for a committee to think with

Where to from here?

An extraordinarily moving webinar

For everyone in the civilized world to watch

For everyone in the civilized world to watch

Me and billionaires

Delivering the wake-up

Stop destroying each other and start saving each other

Get smart about capitalism as the core culprit

What we-the-people could do

What sparked the essay contest

Becoming an Island of Coherence

All about waking the world up

I’m thinking about Bedtime Stories

How Trump could get defeated

Corrected Brian Swimme link

How We Saved the World essays for saving the world

How We Saved the World essays for saving the world

Fishing for thinkers

Essay Update

Progress on saving the world

Another winner!

The Big Announcement

Ralph Nader and I are on it about enoughness

Ralph Nader and I are on it about enoughness

Ralph Nader and I are on it about enoughness

And the candidates!

And the essay contest winners are…

How will we save the world?

GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) TV shows

Money is talking louder


First submission to the Essay Contest


An Essay Contest is launched

An Essay Contest. It’s January 1, 2050.

WANTED for 2024

GOATs for the Greater Good

Celebrating life instead of destroying it is Brian Thomas Swimme 101

Baby's skin color and broken high heels in a world with two major wars

Inspiration to think outside the box

More uplifting from RFK and Daniel Ellsberg

My life on the internet

More big yeses for Andrew Yang and Peter Diamandis

More big yeses for Andrew Yang and Peter Diamandis

A digestible "Green Dragon." Oh joy!

Krista Tippett models a Fireside Chat

Larry Dossey is a treasure

Rabble-rousing for a new way

Music to Our Ears

Rabble-rousing for a new way


Delivering a New Show




The Intelligence teaches me

Roadmap to the Future: Part Three

Roadmap to the Future: Part Two

Roadmap to the Future: Part One

Roadmap to the Future: Part One

UBI as a salvation for humanity

Saving Trump could be saving ourselves

Can I get discovered again?

Inspiration to think outside the box

“I am because we are.”

On the road to a new reality


In the Spirit of America for its day of celebration

Out on some limbs about billionaires and the success of humanity

The Call of We-the-People

The Call of We-the-People

Get humanity tuned into itself!

Get humanity tuned into itself!

One person did what you can do!

Why don't we have a Suggestion Box?

Delivering the Universe Story

Delivering the Universe Story

ONCE UPON A TIME IS NOW for a campaign to change the world

ONCE UPON A TIME IS NOW for a campaign to change the world

This could be a game changer

This could be a game changer

Daniel Ellsberg is a great hero

Ideas can matter more than armaments

Saving the World

Saving the World

What is the one thing we need most to save humanity?

Ideas can matter more than armaments



On the road to the next reality

How to spread my idea?

How to spread my idea?

Blue Angels/Pocket charger/Compliment Me

Getting people on a positive track

Getting people on a positive track

The urgency of NOW

The Courage to Step Aside

Looking for a committee to think with

Where to from here?

Where to from here?

An extraordinarily moving webinar



For everyone in the civilized world to watch

Me and billionaires

Delivering the wake-up

What massive something would get everyone rethinking?

Stop destroying each other and start saving each other

Get smart about capitalism as the core culprit

What we-the-people could do

What sparked the essay contest

Becoming an Island of Coherence

Becoming an Island of Coherence

All about waking the world up

I’m thinking about Bedtime Stories

How Trump could get defeated

Brian Swimme link

Brian Swimme link

How We Saved the World essays for saving the world

How We Saved the World essays for saving the world

Fishing for thinkers

Essay Update

How sweet it was

Progress on saving the world

I can't get this out of my mind

Another winner!

The Big Announcement

Ralph Nader and I are on it about enoughness

And the candidates!

And the essay contest winners are…

How will we save the world?

GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) TV shows


Money is talking louder

Biden's brain, Trump's brain


First submission to the Essay Contest


Listen Listen Listen to a voice of truth

Listen Listen Listen to a voice of truth

Dealing with the bigger picture

An Essay Contest is launched

An Essay Contest. It’s January 1, 2050.

WANTED for 2024