I usually write about a person or an idea or a project. A something. This time I’m doing what I did once before, tuning you into my rabble rousing. For a little summary of what I’ve been cheerleading for since the beginning of November, when the previous report ended:
There’s tips. Things that excite me.
There’s urging pundits to ask, “Now what?”
There’s cheerleading: for a massive force, for a new creation story, for conversation.
There’s getting off the track we’re on.
There’s star subjects: Norway’s prisons system and Japan’s gun laws.
And there’s basics: how bad drives good, the cyclical nature of reality, the sacredness of humanity, how meaning is made, and going from separation to oneness.
Ongoing are blasts about the Essay Contest – to enter and to pass it on.
This is a selection of comments I’ve made:
How about a campaign for no more decorative lawns, but fruits and vegetables planted?
Call to action, of course. But what sort of action? Not long-range exclusively, since if we don't deal with what could prevent there from being a long-range those things won't matter. So what about possibilities? What can we-the-people do now that could matter? I say getting a voice and creating a force. Have a look and think with me! This is my save the world track.
Our Energy "Needs" Are Driving a Mass Extinction | The R-Word
Best way to avoid denial and cynicism is to attach to what's positive. We are better at complaining about how things are than dealing with what we might do to change things, which is all that I write about. Try me; you'll like me!
As everyone is desperate and no one has ideas for anything except electing the right politicians, all of you commenting here would like what I put out, talking about what we-the-people can do. We have the internet, and we’re not using it to become a force. The smart people are still rugged individualists, selling their ideas and not putting heads together. Do get on my mailing list. And have me as a guest! We'll have a different conversation than anyone you've talked to about what can create the system change we need, where we care about each other as much as we care about ourselves.
I never get it why we don't pay attention to Japan that has no school shootings. Maybe you could write about American myopia, where we ignore what other countries do that works, the Norwegian criminal justice system also being on that list. Here's a post I put out a while back that covers both: "Our Shocking Ignorance about Guns & Prisons."
We are on the same page. Even having a Department of War is an ultimate insanity for our technologically advanced civilization. How normal such official designation makes it is massively absurd. We need to stick together. I’m trying to get us organized — to be signatory to a coalition for the good. We are not using our tools. We have the internet. We could get millions of people, even billions to unite to influence the power structure — like taking to the streets, but this is easier. I am trying to get power players to come together. Everyone is solo, but we should be putting heads together.
Thanks, But No Thanks: Morality and War | Robert MacNeil Christie
I'm devoted to humanity adopting the new story. I write EVOLUTION REVOLUTION on Substack where that's what I keep working on. I've got an animated video in the works, illustrating audio clips from Brian Swimme's interviews and presentations, as a tool to get the story understood, and I'd urge anyone who sees this comment to get on my mailing list. Here's a particular post on our subject: "Get the story straight."
From one perspective, it’s unfathomable how horribly our great country operates, where criminals can be in charge. With me being focused on system-change, coming not from legislation but from a change of humanity's mind about who we are and what we are doing here, as each new atrocity gets added to the dossier of America’s sinfulness, I wonder if we’re headed for a Trump victory to get us so wrecked that we have to come up with how to run the world as a cooperative humanity.
Saturday Report 12/16/23 - Crazy Alert! | The Hartmann Report
I love George Monbiot, but neither he nor other clear voices, like Thom Hartmann or Robert Reich in the States, do more than express outrage to people who agree with them. What’s bigger than that, that can change things? That’s what I deal with -- how we-the-people aren’t even using the internet to collect that 25% who could create the system change we need.
It may be we just lack for ideas. The most effective thing to create the massive change we need would be to get a new idea of what humanity is doing here -- a new creation story where we aren’t sinners climbing over one another but are one humanity. Getting our thinking to the natural place where we are altruists by fundamental design could get all the changes we need to occur.
You think the Republicans can’t get any lower and it’s always wrong. There’s no stopping place on their road to hell. And clear voices, like you and Thom Hartmann and Robert Reich, don’t do more than express outrage to people who agree with you. What’s bigger than that, that can be effective to change things? We-the-people aren’t even using the internet to collect people for the good who would create the system change we need.
What will happen is an open question. The arrow of time points toward justice, but there’s a cyclical reality and when things become too untenable a society either leaps forward or collapses, awaiting a next time to regroup and go forward. This time around, though, collapse could be catastrophic for humanity. I'll use my soap box here to announce an Essay Contest. Steve, why don’t you write an essay and use it as a column?????? Then we’d all get thinking about what we could do.
Trump can't extinguish the torch of liberty | The Warning with Steve Schmidt
Since I can't find ideas for making radical change, I've gone to the end of a limb with this ESSAY CONTEST to try stir up some thinking. If we get to be buddies, I'll share about when I took all my clothes off at an open mike session at a conference where people were squabbling instead of changing the world!
The message I get is that we're on the verge of system change. The center cannot hold and it's reorganize or collapse. I'm a reorganize maven and here's my latest attempt to get us on the right track. Hartmann aficionados, this ESSAY CONTEST is for all of you. Thom, circulating this would be greatly appreciated. I'm relying on word of mouth.
Separation of church and state is a function of our evolutionary state where we don't recognize we are sacred creatures in a sacred universe. We knew that until we put god outside ourselves and got patriarchal, dualistic civilizations, all divided up into worshiping one god or another. Here's a post that deals with what we are doing here as one humanity, that would get us beyond the separation of church and state argument: “Delivering the Universe Story/Getting Serious About Changing the World.”
By striving to climb over one another we got our industrial world. If we continue to do that we will destroy what we built. Marianne makes such bottom-line sense about needing to serve each other and not exploit each other.
Thoughts from you mighty companions are welcome, as is your interest in the Essay Contest, entering it and passing it along.
"Yet when he is ready to go on, he goes with mighty companions beside him. Now he rests a while and gathers them before going on. He will not go on from here alone." -- The Course in Miracles
Dear subscribers -- A lot of you make direct replies to each post. Instead, if you comment here we can have the conversations I’d like to generate. First-timers will have to complete your Substack profile to be able to comment on the Substack platform!