An Essay Contest. It’s January 1, 2050.
How, in 2024, did we pull off saving the world?
Fast forward to 2050 when humanity is doing well and Earth is thriving and tell us how we got there! We did it! How??!! Start with what YOU did – it could be something that set off a chain of initiatives, or you could have had a greater engagement to make our dreams come true about how humanity could thrive together.
As an example, although a fleshed-out version would include more things that were put into play, this is what I could have written:
January 1, 2050
Report by Suzanne Taylor on the great ideas that led to us becoming the cooperative society that we are:
When humanity puts its collective mind to it, we get moon landings. The challenge, in the dark days of 2024 when the survival of humanity was in question, was to transform a greedy populace into an altruistic one. At that time, although I’d been writing up ideas for what we-the-people could do, my posts weren’t generating conversation or ideas from others. Since we lived in a society where money talked, what I did to get people thinking was to offer an essay contest with money prizes. It was to write scenarios as if they were in 2050 and we had the society we actually do have, where we work together for the good of all, and tell how that had come to pass.
Well, that contest opened floodgates. Ideas we implemented, that we got from those entries, were what made our Earth a fair-minded place that becomes more utopian all the time. What was most basic to the shift was the essay contest selling us on ditching the idea of external deities lording over us. As we think so we act, and adopting the new story, where everyone is sacred, was the frame of mind that moved people from opposition to cooperation! It gave us the mindset to feel protective of Earth, freed from the materialistic perspective that had come to hurt Earth.
There were very clever things that were done to get us on a better track, that people got from what was in those essays. Things like [you would go on…]
The Invitation
Write as if it’s 2050 and Earth is a cooperative place. How did that come to pass? The only requirement is to start with what you did. Re wordcount, be as concise as you can so as not to lose readers, while giving details that demonstrate the workability of your ideas.
Due by February 21 (extended from February 14) as your valentine to the world.
Submit here:
Password: myessayThere’s $12,000 in prize money: $4,000 for 1st place and $2000 each to 4 more.
Winners on February 29, an uncommon day for an uncommon occurrence!
This is something that can be cut and pasted, that you could use yourself or send to your connections, to help spread the word about this competition. It’s basically what The Scientific and Medical Network, that I urge you all to join, put in their newsletter for their members:
Suzanne Taylor writes Now what? (formerly Evolution Revolution), on Substack. She has just announced an essay competition to get people thinking about how we can work together to transform the world. As she explains in the guidelines: "Write as if it’s 2050 and Earth is a cooperative place. How did that come to pass? The only requirement is to start with what you did. Be as concise as you can so as not to lose readers, while giving details that demonstrate the workability of your ideas."
There are significant cash prizes for the winning entries. Essays are due by Valentine’s Day, on the 14th of February. Click here for her announcement to find more about what to write and how to submit:
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