If I asked you to, would you sign up for THE HUMAN SURVIVAL COALITION?
Here’s three minutes of what I’ve been up to that led up to where I am:
This is my first post on Substack and I’d like to kick off with a big bang. Actually, THE big bang. Here we are, on a 13.8-billion-year ride, from quarks and gluons to us in the ongoing evolution of everything. That evolution occurs via relationships. Things rub against each other to produce better things. Everything builds on what came before, and we are built of everything that has been. It’s all one thing, rubbing and changing. It’s in a phase now that may cancel out humanity. Like the dinosaurs couldn’t survive the rub they came up against, we may not survive ours. Nature threatens us, no matter if we caused her to warm up, and, no matter where our pandemic came from, here it is and more to come. We need all hands on deck devoted to our survival. You can’t disagree with that, can you?
In our favor is the internet. We’d never be able to get ourselves organized without it. And right now we aren’t doing a good job of it. We still operate the way that was great for the Industrial Revolution, with rugged individualism holding sway. That’s not relating, that’s commanding, which is not the way of evolution.
I’ve been pretty much out of public sight this last year while I’ve been investigating, evaluating, and communicating to navigate this precipice we are on, collecting first class thinkers to think together about what to do.
What to do? We need a voice – it’s all gadflies now; nothing speaks for us. That’s where THE HUMAN SURVIVAL COALITION would come in.
Nobody says we have to do things in an official manner. The world progresses from ideas, and how about we come up with ideas for what to do?
There aren’t that many universally respected people, but how about if the ones there are think together to puzzle out what to do? Call it a WISDOM COUNCIL. Someone could just start it. I’d urge MacKenzie Scott to volunteer. She would pick one person, MacKenzie and that person would pick the third, the three would pick the fourth. People who come to mind: Kate Raworth, Oprah, Jane Goodall, George Clooney, the Dalai Lama, Greta Thunberg, Bill Moyers. If those folks deliberated on what to do, everyone would listen.
The third pillar of my game plan is a SUGGESTION BOX for ideas and for dialogue about the ideas to pass on to the Council. It’s democracy in action -- we-the-people organizing everything.
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Please start off the bang we can make by meeting me in the Comment section. Do you think we could get millions of people to be signatory to the Coalition? Are there people you would suggest for the Council? Or is there any other comments you would make?