In the biggest frame humanity is in, we are evolving the planetary mind. That’s reflected in such things as abolishing slavery and women getting the vote as we make leaps to greater equity for us humans. We are fleshing out the noosphere, the thinking layer circling the biosphere that’s the playground for our everyday lives. With the development of this mental layer not keeping pace with the physical one, that’s where the action is for us.
We are headed toward living for the happiness our founders intended for us. We are teetering on the edge of a resolve to create that land of their dreams, but that would be a wrench to those at the top, who have the controls, and there’s a wall we’ve hit of their reactionary attempts to hold their line. At this pivotal time, I am urging us to take on an effort to get us to realize our potential to be a cooperative humanity.
Part one, last week, of what a plan could be, advocated taking on a creation story about our sacred nature as Earth’s caretakers and not to continue to identify as apple-eating sinners. While we’re working on that here’s what us noble creatures can do.
We’d need some structure. To create change we need to get organized. Here are three pillars on which people-power could rest:
A Wisdom Council would give us a voice. Here’s a way to select members. Say MacKenzie Scott, Jeff Bezos’s ex, who is giving billions to life-giving causes, volunteers to start it. She picks #2, say Bill Moyers. Then MacKenzie and Bill pick #3. Etc. With a Council made up of illustrious members, everyone would listen to what it had to say.
A Suggestion Box would be open to all for what goes to the Wisdom Council – ideas for things people could do and for things we’d pressure government to do.
A People-Power Coalition, made up of many millions of people-for-the-good, would be a force to spread the word about what we-the-people take on to do and to put pressure on government for what it would have do. Operating on the internet would be our way of taking to the streets!
Here are some things to put into the Suggestion Box to pressure government to do:
UBI –The #1 thing that would be most changeful. Everyone gets food, shelter, education, and health care. Take people out of survival so they can think about the future.
MODEL THE JUSTICE SYSTEM AFTER NORWAY – their 20% recidivism rate compares to 75% for the U.S.
MODEL GUN LAWS AFTER JAPAN – They have no school shootings.
OUTLAW BILLIONAIRES – It is undemocratic to be controlled by an oligarchy.
OUTLAW DRUG COMMERCIALS for conditions most people don’t have.
OUTLAW TV COMMERCIALS PRODUCED FOR CANDIDATES -- They only can talk to the camera, and debates would be unmoderated conversations.
OUTLAW DECORATIVE LAWNS - Replace them with native plants or vegetable gardens and fruit trees.
EDUCATE FOR HUMANNESS – Train teachers to engage young children in practicing things like mindfulness and kindness.
What else?????? Think doable things – not “create world peace” without what we’d do to get to there.
Next Tuesday will be what we-the-people can do to get humanity feeling like a family tending our beautiful home. And see if you can find one of those billionaires to help get doable things done.
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