Inside the Intelligence, that made its appearance in the early ‘80s, is a bible for our time. My hand held the pen that wrote it, but what came through was from whatever God is. I am stepping up my energy now to get attention paid to it before it’s too late for me to share in what good it could bring to the world.
Death closes all but something ere the end, some work of noble note may yet be done, not unbecoming men that strove with gods."
― Alfred Tennyson, Ulysses
Help me out with getting that work of noble note done. Inside the Intelligence is the smartest thing I’ve ever read, where each of the many times I’ve done that it has gob smacked me by how brilliant it is. So, I’m coming out from behind all shields and screens and trying to get it seen.
Some of what’s inside Inside the Intelligence:
Suzanne, discover the collectivity of the world. How is it to happen? Bring a few people together. Grow the healing. You become it and then it is. You must all become healed.
There is an act of will involve. Perfection seen as attainable. Each can go there. The eye of the needle is love. The will can release to love. You can allow yourself to be love. This is love primeval. It isn't calculated or awarded. It just is. All souls are love.
Stay in your own love. People lose touch with who they are and it is not them that is engaging in insanity. Let yourself love the souls of all beings. Do not come out from that residence. See everything through love's lens. That is the eye. Only wide enough to let one thing through: love.
That is freedom. It can only be granted by the self to the self. It is not subject to any opinion. Your love just is.
Seeing the insanity of the world, through love, can get very poignant. Perhaps even that must go. Acceptance of what is. United in your will to bring about what is not. That is the action of the new togetherness.
There are two kinds of people now: the searchers and the strategizers. Look for the strategizers, Suzanne. You can be bolder in assuming responsibility. You can bring to the whole the wisdom you have gleaned from leading the examined life.
Underneath everything -- all forms, structures, visions for the whole, ideals, practices ... whatever you have named or labeled -- is this raw possibility, which is no thing, that is the hope of the world. It is a movement of energy in a process of becoming one. It is creation flowing through the eye of a needle where all attachments cease and duality ends, entered by each separate self and exited as one. On the other side, you are the peaceful cocreation of the paradisiacal potential which your species has encoded in its genes.
All there is is to meet in your hearts. As you meet, you become the core of the new. The new isn't outside you. It is not an aspiration. It is not a goal. It is not a form. It is not a project. It is not an organization. It is an organism, ever growing a new totality.
This is the technology for transformation, which will move surprisingly quickly if a body of people get serious about going first. It will be undeniable and inescapable and will create in your lifetimes a spirit of joy and love on your planet the likes of which you do not anticipate. The human creature is infinitely more drawn to pleasure than to pain, and when the stops to that experience are no longer stronger than the pulls to it transformation will proceed very quickly.
It will only take a few key people to shift to get the attention of the world. And, once it is known that a pro-creative, happiness-inducing reality is joinable, there will be a planetary sigh of relief at being able to move forward together.
The point now is not to be about anything, but to take each other into something. Into reality. Ask everything of one another. You are to be artists at life.
It does not matter what you do as long as you do it with one another. Your mutuality creates reality. That and that alone is the new. Take your focus off your projects and put it on yourselves. You are the projects.
Seek each other out regularly. This is the growing of the field of love. All projects to manipulate reality will only be successful to the extent that they are created in unified fields.
Your projects are to celebrate your passions. Any way you express gratitude and do service is your song. There are infinite projects.
There is, however, only one master game -- to arrive at the celebration. You are developing yourselves as creatures of exaltation. That may seem far-fetched, but that is because of how deeply you are entrenched in a more primitive reality. You have not crossed the divide between sufficiency and adventure.
I’d so like to find my few people. Even give me ideas about who, who is not in the public eye, they could be.
Decades now that I feel like family here. Here are excerpts from Tell Me Your Story, Richard Dugan’s podcast, when he had me back for a second round last week, this time to talk about Inside the Intelligence:
I did 36 episodes of The Comic Fuel Pump on local television in Los Angeles in the early ‘80s. It was before Inside the Intelligence, and I was cheerleading for consciousness and community. In 2018, Amazon was going to stream a follow-up show – why they didn’t is a story for another day – and this one was to be cheerleads for Inside the Intelligence. Here’s the trailer for the unseen show with links to the six unaired episodes. If you’re interested in background on me, the first of the shows is a good rundown.
One of the essayists is a champion for Inside the Intelligence, and hopefully is a good soothsayer. He says, “You planted a wisdom seed that has needed to gestate for 3½ decades before conditions were right for it to emerge.”
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