Here are demonstrations that we-the-people aren’t helpless. They contribute to my case that we-the-people should be proactive in looking for what to do to get us going in a better direction.
You can share with me any ideas you have -- I’m collecting and advocating.
My SUE Speaks website is being transformed from featuring my podcast and my Delight a Day mailings, to featuring these Substack mailings and the ideas that get generated. There’s some easy organizing people can do with clever ideas that thanks to the web can make a difference, and we should be looking for what would contribute to TURNING THE WORLD AROUND: a Focal Point for Ideas. I’ll house it on SUE Speaks for now. It’s a track that even the progressive political world isn’t on. It’s all gadflies now, and this could be where we come together.
These are new things I just found that we-the-people could do to change the ambiance of humanity. They are just good ideas that got organized to get them into play:
Building Bridges: These Dutch Students Live in Nursing Homes
They offer free rent to young people studying at university; all the young people have to do in return is dedicate 30 hours each month to socialize with elderly residents. This includes showing them how to use email and social media, playing games and simply talking.
Dutch Supermarket Adds “Slow Checkout Lanes” for Senior Citizens Who Could Use a Chat
Jumbo, a Netherlands-based supermarket chain with over 700 stores, introduced a Kletskassa, which translates to “chat checkout”…Jumbo introduced these “slow lanes” back in summer 2019 as part of a wider initiative called One Against Loneliness, launched by the Dutch government…1.3 million people in the Netherlands are over 75, and 33% have reported feeling at least moderately lonely.
Maybe living in that part of the world clears heads because Norway has an astonishing demonstration of how an enlightened society would act. Their justice system, focused on rehabilitation and not punishment, comes from a mentality so different that maybe that’s why, as is the case, by and large we don’t even recognize it’s going on. When I asked on a chat with sophisticated English people, hardly anybody knew anything about Norway. Michael Moore even featured a story about it in one of his movies but still we ignore a recidivism rate of about 20% compared to ours that’s over 70%. Here’s a blog post I did about it: I think of this as something quintessential, where we get our pounds of flesh and they get a society that works. Coming to understand that could give rise to that vital upleveling of consciousness we need to become an altruistic world instead of a self-serving one.
Meet me in the comments to give me your ideas and talk about mine.
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