I’m bringing you another TEDx West Hollywood talk from ten years ago. It’s the third one, after Marianne Williamson and Russell Targ, from my prescient, future-thinking program. It was two weeks before its delivery when TED went crazy and decided that materialist science was the only acceptable subject matter for science-related presentations. Talks Rupert Sheldrake and Graham Hancock had delivered in a London TEDx had just been kept off TED’s archives and war had erupted, followed by their cancellation of my license to add to what so many people objected to. It was the most discussed science story online ever, where the sentiment, except from people TED planted to defend them, was all anti-TED. As a consequence, TED lost a lot of the luster it had had as a paragon of high-mindedness.
You can read all about TED cancelling my license here: https://suespeaks.org/ex-tedx-west-hollywood.
What you also can do is contact TED. My event was to be a gala to open a prize-winning municipal library and auditorium, and TED being in West Hollywood was prestigious enough for the Library Association to majorly fund it. But when I wasn’t sponsored by TED anymore I lost my auditorium and my funding, and, to put on this presentation of how we humans could get it right, I had to find another venue and pay for everything myself. It was a large amount. I still keep my eyes open and email things to Chris, who is Mr. TED, that would encourage him to be honorable. If you would, email him: chris@TED.com. Express your thoughts about Larry’s talk being unacceptable. Responses he’s made to people who‘ve emailed him haven’t been straight, as if I was a problematic person, which has hurt my standing in my community, so if you hear back let me know if he's still spewing hurtful lies. (I paid for a lawyer’s evaluation that TED likely would lose if I sued them, but it could take five years and cost me half a million dollars and I didn’t have legal fee reimbursement in the contract they violated.) TED shouldn’t have this blot on them and I still hope they have an aha and will write me a check. Wouldn’t it be something, with time having marched on to where there’s more acceptance of things outside science’s materialistic box, if the light dawned for TED about how wrong they’d been. Hold a thought for them not only to reimburse me but to take up my cause for what we-the-people can do to make big changes. I do think if I had a powerful ally things I am proposing could matter enormously and an incredible thing to have happen from TED’s aha about me could be something like this: “In TED saving itself, it saved the world.”
I love Dr. Larry Dossey. He is very lovable. A special person. He’s in a leadership role in his profession, and, with a lot of studies that have confirmed that prayer for distant healing works, he’s gotten this revolutionary information, that is anything but material science, taught in many medical schools. Verification of the unseen being real, with life being not just meat and potatoes but having another dimension where we ARE all connected, is my happy place. You get that in Larry’s beautiful talk, so enjoy…and share it. You’ll see more about him, including what he had to say to TED, in the text under the video.
PS: Here’s Larry with Oprah, on the power of prayer: http://youtu.be/YkBimVRJgGU?si=Itx3JjJW1ipuOUr1.
PPS: If you leave comments on the YouTube videos, please come back here and duplicate them for our readers!
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