I came to Substack in February as a place to rabble rouse for how we-the-people could become a parallel force to the government. I had wondered why, strange but true, everyone isn’t looking for such ways considering our government is bogged down in partisanship where our legislators serve funders over constituents. And even stranger than everyone not looking for what to do is that no one is looking!
In fact, we could just lack for good ideas, where we have the internet to spread them, but we need to come up with what to spread!
I’m thinking that by now I’ve put out enough material for the ideas I’ve talked about to get into popular play. There’s so much analysis and outrage about America being off-base, and there are some well thought-out blueprints for how things could be, but no bridges are being built for what to do in any short timeframe to realize the visionary possibilities. My posts concern that. What can we-the-people do now to create radical change?
Here's more about what I introduced before, for a Wisdom Council we create to become the voice we don’t have. How could we get it to happen? Here’s a draft for what would be a democratic way:
Dear MacKenzie Scott,
You are an inspiration for the world we want to be in and I hope you will take the more visible stance I am inviting. There’s a radical idea being developed for creating an ad hoc Wisdom Council so we-the-people get a voice, and this is a probe to see if you would start it.
You would pick one other widely appreciated person. The two of you would pick the third, the three pick the fourth, and so on. If such an illustrious group deliberated on what it would do if it ran the country, everyone would listen.
Not only is your philanthropy impressive for how much you give and the intelligence of what you give money to, but you even could initiate a campaign for there to be no billionaires. Get the ones we have to be noble and surrender their fortunes. With wealth inequality the #1 item to address to unstick us, the Wisdom Council could get behind advocating for some form of Universal Basic Income to supply every adult with enough food, shelter, education, and health care to be out of survival. Then, we’d have all hands on deck for fashioning a caring and compassionate world.
If launching this Wisdom Council isn’t yours to do, might you recommend anyone who is widely known and broadly attractive? That would be another layer in the democratic aspect of this process.
Do you see a Wisdom Council as a good idea? How about MacKenzie Scott to start it? She’s quietly giving away her multi-billion-dollar settlement with her ex, Jeff Bezos, to many underfunded, for-the-people organizations. Who else, in the U.S., would you see having the cache to get it going?
To help get my ideas in play, would you please share this with people who figure to be on my wavelength? There are a few thousand people on this mailing list, so it would make a difference if a lot of you even sent this to one other person!
And, here’s a treat for you and for whomever you pass this to. THOUGHT SHAPERS making sense of these times is my new YouTube playlist about the new story of who we are and what we’re doing here. As we think so we act, and getting this new story broadly accepted would be another thing that could make for fundamental change. Start with what’s below and work your way through the automatic play of short blurbs, highlights from longer presentations, and whole presentations that all are gems about what would be so valuable for everyone to be attuned to.
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