In the spirit of it being reasonable for us to choose to evolve on purpose, here are some things we could do. I think they could matter. This is one of our most cited quotes, and it could be as low as 3% of the people in a new alignment to pop a system into a new order.
I think about our everyday atmosphere. Nobody organizes Trump being in the air. It's a Zeitgeist. I think about a Zeitgeist being good. Be open to people-power to create a new atmosphere. Here are some things to do:
CONVERSATION - There could be a national quest that everyone would participate in. Wherever you turned people would be asking, WHAT CAN WE DO NOW?
WHAT IF? A CONTEST ABOUT SAVING THE WORLD - Write as if we've become a cooperative species. How did we get there? Start with yourself. What did you do, and then what? This is a great way to generate ideas. Here's my what if story.FIRESIDE CHATS - People would pour their hearts out to the camera in the spirit of what Franklin Roosevelt did to get our country united. Think of the Ice Bucket Challenge where it was fashionable for everyone, from celebrities to unknowns, to make videos. Flood social networking with them.
CIRCLES OF TRUST - 8 people meeting on a regular basis. It's such a doable, free way to help each other.
EXAMPLES TO COPY - Inspire people with things people have come up with to do, like One person did what you can do! and Students Live in Nursing Homes and Slow Checkout Lanes for Senior Citizens Who Could Use a Chat.
APPRECIATIONS PAGES - Everyone gets an Appreciations Page, which isn't for them to post anything on but for others to go on record with compliments. Think of nice things that have been said about you being there for you to read when you need a boost or to share with anyone you want to impress. And think how good it feels to compliment people. It's a two-way win. To warm my own heart, here are some cut-and-pastes that make me feel good.
And look at this!
Put your thinking caps on. And do share with thinking people.
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