Okay folks, since money talks here’s an offer. I can’t find any scheming going on. No encouraging, educating, inspiring, or doing anything to induce a system change to go from being rugged individualists grabbing power to where people care about each other as much as they care about themselves. Everyone is sure there are such projects and people but then can’t supply any. So, I’ll send a hundred bucks to anyone who can point me to a real hotspot for that movement to happen. Also, my offer is still out for funding what could do that! Talk to me about any bright ideas you have.
With it being my birthday week, I’m posting some back story about the ride I’ve been on.
Under the Suzanne Taylor tab on SUE Speaks, you’d get tuned into my acting career, a local TV show where I worked up my pitch, my documentary movie that got a good NYT review, and the drama in producing TEDx West Hollywood. SUE stands for Searching for Unity in Everything, and Speaks is when I segued from the TED platform onto my own stage. Here are a few excerpts:
ABOUT SUZANNE TAYLOR is by Brian Thomas Swimme, author of The Universe is a Green Dragon, the book that gave me an understanding of how Earth could become a loving place.
What is the most mysterious thing in the universe? The answer among scientists may surprise you. It is not the black hole, it is not the exploding galaxy, it is not the relativistic effect where time itself slows down. Among scientists, what is most mysterious are the moments of transition when something utterly new flashes forth into existence. Such as the moment when life emerges, or the moment when a cell learns to consume the light from the sun.
Amazingly, we are in the very middle of one of these cosmic transitions. It is the moment when disparate groups of humans — whether they are French humans or Indian humans or African humans or Democratic humans or religious humans or skeptical humans — the moment when the fragmented groups of the human species discover their profound unity.
The universe is making this transition happen through the activities of a number of creative personalities, and one of the most impressive of these is Suzanne Taylor. She is the source of an energy that draws together anyone who happens to be in its range. Using the sacred techniques of humor, play, drama, and intellectual insight, she brings forth a most powerful magic.
This cosmic transition can also be understood as a transformation of mammalian sexuality, for Suzanne evokes an intimacy as deep as the emotional closeness of two mating mammals, but with a form that will enable not just two but vast numbers of humans to enter communion together. She is a cosmic catalyst for a world that is moving beyond war and is taking the first steps into the exploration of the infinitely powerful energy of love.
I swoon for Swimme!
This trip from memory lane, on an old archival website, shows you how long I’ve been on this road to a new reality.
In the first half of my life I did well at traditional things. I was a star at New York University (Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude), a cooking fool (The Anybody Can Make It, Everybody Will Love It Cookbook), a mom, a post-impressionist painter (I had a one-woman show), and a working actress (lots of television commercials). After being Mrs. Him for 14 years, in 1970 I got unmarried and started my second life by looking for me. Going down mind-expanding avenues, I landed in whatever It is that gave rise to everything. Now what I do is serve, doing projects and events where people chew on how it will be when we human beings take care of each other.
In the 1980s, when some voice that called itself the Intelligence came through, I put out a little pamphlet: Inside the Intelligence: Mapping the Path to Oneness. I let it have its say, sans any steering from me. It has been a guide for me ever since, wising me up about helping to be a healing rather than a hurting world. When I put up this website, this is what the Intelligence said:“There is a logic to human existence. We are writing a manual of what that logic is. This is an intelligence speaking. It is the wisdom of the circle.
“Dialogue is the necessary activity now to save the earth. Everyone sees glimmers of a peril looming; all must attend. Reordering must come. It will not result from legislation or from mediating between warring factions. Any imposition will just create more war. No, this needs to BE an otherness that births inside the womb of now.
“This is the voice of humanity's soul. Snap to attention. Come off the meditation cushion. The family needs to forge. The mother is overblown with pregnancy. A creature must emerge.”We have stripped ourselves, prayed ourselves and meditated ourselves into readiness. Who knows where we can go? Into other dimensions or other solar systems or able to read each other's minds? These glimmers in our eyes perhaps can happen sometime -- but first, oneness has to be our way.
Recognizing Spirit as what we are expressing and not what we are looking for is the alchemy that transforms. We are of God, here to do the things of God, and we come together to outpicture divine energy into the plane of matter. I am all in to help that to occur.
With big thanks for some birthday messages where being gotten is a great gift, may the year to come be graced by some good impact that I make!
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