This was the invite I got:
Tell Me Your Story is a haven for the untold, a stage for the unheard, and a spotlight on the journey of life. The mission is to delve into the heart of human experience, to uncover the raw, unscripted narratives that shape us. In every laugh, tear, and moment of silence, we find connection and understanding. It's in these stories that we find the seeds of inspiration, the drive for motivation, and the compass for new directions. Join us, as we celebrate the diversity of life's stories and the powerful impact they have on our world. This is not just a talk show; it's a movement, a community, and a testament to the power of sharing our truths.
Thanks to Rev. Mary Martin, who invited me to tell it like it is about what I am thinking and where that thinking came from. I had a Los Angeles community, but when we holed up from Covid my attention went to the world. You subscribers who don’t know me as well as the locals did are my community now, so there’s also some catch-up for you here.
Watching this got me thinking about how, when you get a feel for the new story, it changes you. The point is to get a feel for it. Being on your own in the universe, as we are in the story we hold now, feels different from the sense of belonging this new story gives you. It’s not something in your head, but in your heart. Look to disasters for how open-hearted we can be. And psychedelics. They introduce you to a realm that’s beyond hard-core stuff, where everything is an object, to where we are swimming together in subjectivity. Humanity needs to get synched up in this different layer of reality.
Where breakdown precedes breakthrough, when at the brink we always move forward, what we are in now is the next calamitous reality to overcome. Just as it would feel different to be born into poverty from being born into royalty, think everyone altogether for what humanity is born into. It’s the sacredness of being human, the privilege of getting to have a human experience, that rocks. Take away poverty and hunger and deprivation, and humanity could move into that reality. We can do this. There is enough in the world. What we need is the will.
There are people who know this deeply. It’s who they are. One of them with power could call a meeting. There are no wise leaders now. It’s up to us chickens. The best of us could be helping to get the best from the rest of us.
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This is a brilliant interview, story sharing, thank you Suzanne. as always you are a cheerleader for the future. I want you to find your team so badly you deserve it and they will have such a good time being with you in an open space of creativity, exploration, and movement.
Let's co-create then, Suzanne. You write, "It’s the sacredness of being human, the privilege of getting to have a human experience, that rocks. Take away poverty and hunger and deprivation, and humanity could move into that reality. We can do this." When i added and deleted a word, every cell in my body was screaming YES! "We can do this." i was able to see it. And feel it. It's on my vision board: "It's the sacredness of being human, the privilege of getting to have a human experience, that rocks. Take away poverty and hunger and deprivation, and [experience] humanity ...move into that reality." See it? Let's put it on our collective vision board. It takes only two, not more, to see it, so YES, "We can do it."