Roadmap to the future - Part One: Get the story straight.
Roadmap to the future - Part Two: Organizing ourselves.
Roadmap to the future - Part Three: What we-the-people can do now.
These three parts are summaries of what’s been on my changemaking track: Now, here’s a one-page summary of the summaries!
A new Creation Story that reflects who we think we are, where we go from wanting the most money to wanting the best for humanity.
A Wisdom Council would give us a voice. Made up of illustrious members, everyone would listen to what it had to say.
A Suggestion Box open to all for what goes to the Wisdom Council – for things people could do and for things people would pressure government to do.
A People-Power Coalition of many millions as a force for what we-the-people take on to do and to put pressure on government for what only it could do.
For the Suggestion Box to put pressure on government to do:
UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME - Food, shelter, education, health care for all.
COPY NORWAY’S JUSTICE SYSTEM - 20% vs. our 75% recidivism rate.
MODEL GUN LAWS AFTER JAPAN - They have no school shootings.
OUTLAW BILLIONAIRES - It is undemocratic to be controlled by an oligarchy.
LIMIT DRUG COMMERCIALS - Only allowed for conditions most people have.
NO TV SPOTS MADE FOR CANDIDATES - They just can talk to the camera.
OUTLAW DECORATIVE LAWNS - Grow native plants, vegetables, fruit trees.
EDUCATE FOR HUMANNESS -Things like mindfulness and practicing kindness.
For the Suggestion Box of what we-the-people can do to tend our home:
CONVERSATION - Everywhere people ask, “What can we do now?”
WHAT IF? A CONTEST - How we became a cooperative species.
FIRESIDE CHATS - Flood social networking with people making calls to unity.
CIRCLES OF TRUST - 8 people meeting on a regular basis to help each other.
APPRECIATIONS PAGES - For others to compliment you.
EXAMPLES - Inspire everyone with what people have come up with to do.
These all are starter ideas to be discussed and added to. For now, let’s hear any reactions or additions. A home is being made for them where they can continually be added to and discussed.
In addition to policy sorts of things I want to say something about an ambiance so that wherever you turn there would be dealings with the newness we need. Like now, everywhere you turn it’s Trump. No one orchestrated that or controls it. It just oozes out of everything. I’m thinking about that kind of ooze for what we’re going to do about this world. Make it a topic on everyone’s lips. And hitting problems head-on is a hard way to change them if we haven’t deal with the underlying energetic that is keeping them in place. If people still have the idea that endless growth is in order, getting brakes on fossil fuel production won’t be of interest. So this is a more comprehensive look from a bigger angle than the nuts and bolts of activity that goes on in the Newtonian world that gives us our material life.
We’ve never had the internet in previous historical eras, when taking to the streets was a way to put pressure on the power structure. Now we can do it with many more participants and much more easily. Get the internet screaming. Don’t settle. Don’t wait for elections, as if getting Democrats in office will cure the ills of a system running on economics and not on humanitarian concerns. Put your thinking caps on, and if and when we become fully fleshed out as a thinking species we will be the cooperative, caring people we are designed to be able to be.
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