Dear lovers-of-truth, forward thinkers, self-aware spirits, and fighters for justice,
I’ve been traveling on the path to glory or bust for a long time. It dates from when I started my Mighty Companions non-profit a few decades ago, at a time when America also was struggling and I wrote this:
America is something different from the evils power structures have imposed on her. Imperfect people come and go, but under all of them is this river of America that the idealistic Founding Fathers so brilliantly conceptualized. They were flawed humans, but the spirit of the United States is something else. The flags waving are for that. We are one, beyond where our leadership may steer us. We are a hope of the world. Maybe, thanks to how disastrous things are in this divided land, we will be spurred to achieve our promise. Let's pray for that.
How can it be that Donald Trump is in contention for the presidency now? It is hard to imagine our country being run from a jail. Another absurdity now is the wealth gap in the kings-and-serfs sort of country we have regressed to. But breakdowns precede breakthroughs. When a massive change of perspective is on the verge, whatever can resist it digs in and amps up. Can this be our time to break through to the caring world we could be in?
The universe doesn’t care if humanity leaves. It likely would give rise to advanced life forms again. It conceivably has before, with previous civilizations that also became brilliant enough to be able to destroy themselves. Only a shift to being a compassionate species instead of a greedy one will let us deal well with threats from volcanoes, earthquakes, weather patterns, and meteorites that have caused massive destruction before. Let’s get all energies on dealing with nature instead of squandering our powers exploiting each other.
Dear billionaires, you will go down if we do. A shift of behavior is called for and the evolutionary process is too slow to prevent our breakdown before we’d be the fully conscious, united beings we are designed to be. You lucky ones who are off-the-charts of privilege, how about what you can do? People with inherited fortunes, get off the couch dealing with not deserving what you’ve got and have a life. Poor rich dears and all the rest, no matter how you got your fortunes none of you need so much all and of you could be saviors for humanity. In looking to whatever we can do now, some balancing out of our wealth inequality is so urgent in order for us to progress that this way to do it is my big call on America’s big day.
"Upon this gifted age, in its dark hour,
Rains from the sky a meteoric shower
Of facts...they lie unquestioned, uncombined.
Wisdom enough to leech us of our ill
Is daily spun, but there exists no loom
To weave it into fabric..."
-Edna St. Vincent Millay-
The cyber door is open for some weaving. Invite friends!
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