What’s going on in a world that gets weirder all the time? Every Republican in the House voting to censure Adam Schiff for his Trump investigations? What? Sometimes something happens that is so mind-shattering, like that, that we hardly deal with it.
Let’s think on that.
With belief systems making people blind to things in plain sight, like Indians not seeing Spanish ships, DID YOU KNOW THAT…
Norway’s prison recidivism rate is 20% and the U.S. has a 75% rate?
Republican purges of qualified voters won the Trump presidency?
Prayer affecting the material world is being taught in medical schools?
The Scientific and Medical Network is infusing science with spirit?
If there’s even one impossible thing in our model of reality, the model must change. Like this unbendable spoon a friend bent at my house. I show it when I do talks about crop circles to open people’s minds to what seems impossible.
For another thing that can’t be but is, keep this phone number handy: 818-332-6445. If you don’t put anything on a burn and call within a half hour of getting it, you won’t develop any sore. (Let me know if you try it!)
We went from being tribal, in tune with nature, to operating individually. Now, we’ve gotten to where greed is running a show the audience is very resistant to. To get beyond an oligarchy tending to its financial interests we need a return to our tribal track where we would be deepening our awareness of being one humanity. In the future, if we get there, I bet people will see our self-destructive behavior being as quaint as how we see our Indian forbears paddling canoes and not thinking Spanish ships were a possibility.
If anyone will deal with how we-the-people could regroup as one humanity, I’m all ears.
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