It bugs me so much when things are wrong that should be right that I’ve lost friends and lovers who haven’t appreciated my compulsion to edit things they’ve written where all they wanted was my opinion. Now, the world is bugging me a whole lot, and I’m itching to do some editing.
Is there one person reading this who thinks all is well with the world?
Is there one person who thinks they know what to do to get the world to work well?
Is there one person who thinks they are going to figure out how to fix what isn’t working?
Is there one person who knows any person working on getting humanity into a new understanding?
Trusting we are at zero with answers here, lend me your ears. I don’t know as much about any subject as some of you do who have expertise in things like history and how we got where we are, or economic theory about how what runs us needs to change, or the complexities concerning the danger we’re in from global warming, but what I do have expertise at is discernment. I know, of the people talking about these complex fields, who is the real deal, and I hope you trust my judgment about who to listen to.
I have a plan in mind. It starts with you listening to this 27-minute podcast I did in 2019 – when Trump was in his first term and it’s relevant about today -- with Brian Thomas Swimme, a big deal real deal. Let him take you on his ride to the promised land.
More later about what comes next for the plan I have in mind about how to get us uplifted to a next reality.
To you again, Leonard. Sing us out.
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