Income inequality holds the status quo in place. Unchecked, it will get worse as we shift out of the industrial age into the digital information age. Previous major shifts involved one sort of work replacing another, like when pushing a plow gave way to running a tractor, but jobs eliminated by automation won’t be replaced and with not enough jobs something fundamentally different is needed to avoid a collapse. That’s where Universal Basic Income comes in.
Say hello to the BIG, a Basic Income Guarantee which is what I called UBI before it had a name in a program, A World Without Work, that I produced in 2014. At the time there wasn’t any familiarity with the idea, but I snared a university professor who had produced a great event concerning new technology and was an early advocate for this new way to stabilize the world economically, to be my lecturer. After his talk, the attendees had lively discussions at tables full of delicious desserts in a beautiful Loyola University atrium.
The invitation that was sent to A World Without Work:
Calling all good people who care about the state of the world!
A World Without Work is intended to help spark a sea change in our economic system. Really.
This is a very big deal for me, with my non-profit, Mighty Companions, funding this so it can be free to participants,and the Psychology Department of Loyola Marymount University sponsoring it. All L.A. people who would like to part of an activist community are welcome.
Our evening will be built around a talk about the massive shift our economic system will have to make, when, due to advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, and 3D printing there will not be enough jobs. Our speaker, Prof. Richard Gilbert, who recently produced a conference on the personal and cultural impact of leading edge digital technology, will make our precarious situation clear.
Professor Gilbert will present his advocacy for guaranteed income as the solution. Then, over dessert, we’ll be in small groups for dialogue followed by a robust group conversation that Professor Gilbert will anchor.
We had some issues with the video, so we filmed Richard afterwards going over some of the material. You’ll find that and the part with the good footage from the actual talk in this primer all about UBI. Enjoy!
BRAND NEW: Free program Thursday from a great auspice!
Thursday, August 17, 2:00 PM EDT
Implementing U.B.I.: Meeting Needs Unconditionally
Confronting the realities of the twenty-first century, panelists envision a new system for human thriving based on robust distribution, rather than scarcity, of purchasing power.
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