What the hell are we going to do to deal with how FUBAR we are?
This is Part One to answer that
Welcome to a lot of new subscribers. People who subscribed from seeing comments I’ve made on pundits I admire, which most of you are, are a savvy bunch to do sense-making with. This post is good for tuning you into the ride I’m on, and I hope you’ll stick around till we get somewhere. Please talk to me in my comments, where I’ll talk back. People should be conversing more. It’s a relatively missing ingredient in what’s cooking now.
Someone left a comment on my last post with something I hadn’t heard but already have used: FUBAR is short for Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition.
The writing that’s going on about all that does not include what we can do. Strange but true, we’re not talking about how to become the family humanity needs to be in order to rework everything. There are ideas people have about that, but it’s all long-range. Even the development of a Democrat Party that could win is projected to possibly take more than four years. There’s no attention on what to do now that could change things in timely fashion, or even any acknowledgement that a massive change is needed now.
It would take people thinking differently to act differently. Humanity has to be a caring species and not the self-absorbed one it is now. As the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, creating the struggle for so many people that got us Trump, even the threat of annihilation hasn’t been enough to change the short-term thinking of the wealthy who hold our unworkable system in place. In past eras, people wouldn’t take it anymore and there were revolutions. What can give us that revolutionary spirit now, where we are at the mercy of people who don’t have more of a humanitarian spirit than making charitable donations that don’t dent their ever-growing principal?
All the while nature moves on, where, short of a miracle, it already is depleted of what sustains the lifestyle we have now. It’s called overshoot. Although we have to adjust the way we do things to not use up what we need to sustain us, nobody is minding that store.
In being an everyday person with a body of thought that could be massively helpful and a passion to deliver it, I had a whole post prepared about enrolling our pundits in turning everyone into humanitarians. But it needed more content for pundits to do that with than I could get into what wouldn’t push on attention spans. So, that’s on hold till I give more backstory.
There’s a scientific understanding that nails humanity being interconnected, that was discerned thanks to the Hubble telescope launched in 1990. It’s what could underlie a massive change of humanity’s mind to us being here to take care of our beautiful Earth. I am tuned into this along with a fairly large cadre of others, none of whom have a sense of urgency about what they expect everyone will understand eventually. The job to inform everyone else has fallen to me, and please god I can do it because it’s now that we need to stop eating up resources necessary to sustain us. And collapse could come even faster than how quickly resource depletion is shutting us down from a nuclear disaster in a world where hostile countries haven’t got that off the table. We dally with not intervening with the slow evolutionary process at our peril.
This is part 1 about our pundits becoming a force for change, and there will be part 2 and even part 3, depending on what it will take to explain myself regarding how that Hubble-induced scientific perspective would create the change in humanity’s motivation. If I can get Christmas handled, with the pile of presents to wrap, Madam On-It-Now will send that as additional posting this week.
Two more things:
Alexander Beiner makes observations related to mine about the fundamental shift we need to make in a new post where he talks about needing “a counterculture that links status to quality, not quantity.” Quality is the soul stuff that shapes how we handle the material realm, and he says different things from what I say about that. It’s a very good piece.
For great fodder about my way to deliver that same underlying perspective as Beiner delivers, here’s a playlist, that Brian Swimme is central to, of posts that I’ve made: https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/s/brian-thomas-swimme
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What are the results that can be achieved by noting that things ought be "better"?
Lots has and is being written about that.
Here are two things to ACTUALLY do:
1) Make LISTS. People, books, clubs...
2) Make FRIENDS: Check in with old friends, actually follow up when meeting someone interesting....''
That's it. Make LISTS and make FRIENDS. These are two things each of us can do to further our vision of a better world.