This is Part One to answer that
What are the results that can be achieved by noting that things ought be "better"?
Lots has and is being written about that.
Here are two things to ACTUALLY do:
1) Make LISTS. People, books, clubs...
2) Make FRIENDS: Check in with old friends, actually follow up when meeting someone interesting....''
That's it. Make LISTS and make FRIENDS. These are two things each of us can do to further our vision of a better world.
Friends are vital -- we are relational creatures. Would you say more about lists? Why?
Lots of people talk about "if only we could get together..." Lists are a way to build togetherness... Here's a nice list:
What are the results that can be achieved by noting that things ought be "better"?
Lots has and is being written about that.
Here are two things to ACTUALLY do:
1) Make LISTS. People, books, clubs...
2) Make FRIENDS: Check in with old friends, actually follow up when meeting someone interesting....''
That's it. Make LISTS and make FRIENDS. These are two things each of us can do to further our vision of a better world.
Friends are vital -- we are relational creatures. Would you say more about lists? Why?
Lots of people talk about "if only we could get together..." Lists are a way to build togetherness... Here's a nice list: