Hello on a Tuesday again!
In this university called Substack, they teach us to publish on a regular schedule, so here I am, two weeks running. But I don’t know. I’m pretty rebellious. Once, when he got especially exasperated, my husband said, “Can’t you do anything like anyone else? [sputter sputter] You even had twins!” He was a good dad so imagine how untamable I can get. Fellow mavericks, listen up!
Look for Tuesday deliveries that push on our worldview to get us into a new one. I want to make things beautiful. They can be. And will be. They must be. Not must like certain but must in our hearts.
I wasn’t expecting to influence the whole world, but – and don’t think I say this without knowing how unreal it sounds -- I have the only ideas publicly in play for change that could happen now. Make me wrong. If you can, please.
Outrage is everywhere. So is passivity. No one is stirred. No crisis-thinking. Fires blaze away and there are just long-range blueprints on offer.
If I ran things there’d be a national quest everyone would participate in. WHAT CAN WE DO NOW? The Media would be behind it, too – especially now to fill airtime while writers are striking. Leaderless, it could be buzzing everywhere -- people being creative. A Suggestion Box would be there for submissions.
WE HAVE THE INTERNET!!!!! We can do it. How about a Wisdom Council for us to have a voice? And a Coalition so we become a force? We aren’t helpless. We just haven’t tried things to do.
I so yearn for the world to come -- not on behalf of people of the future, but for me and you, here now. We live in madness. Change is so due.
Weaving the spiritual into the political…that’s in my email signature. It is what needs to happen. I just heard Robert Thurman, the jaunty Buddhist dad of Uma, say, “Spiritual is believing in the goodness of life. It’s being aligned with something bigger than yourself.” Pretty simple. I bet we can make it happen.
There is so much beauty in the world -- brilliant beings expressing themselves everywhere. We have to have beauty be our resting place. In that spirit, here are two very beautiful minutes. Watch this full screen:
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Good honest and sensible post, Sue!
Please consider promoting the idea of horizontal governance (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wywMhg604W8). The core issue in my opinion is that we are controlled by criminal billionaires who control and corrupt all governments (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oilxI6Dgoy8). Governments are for sale (politicians). Only the super rich and multi corporations can afford. This collusion between the ultra rich and the governments is centuries old. Voting only perpetuates this. This is a strategy, but first hardly anyone has thought of this, even though it is not a new idea. We need to spread this to make a tsunami of public outcry to make this a reality. https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/never-again-is-now-global/Never-Again-Is-Now-Global-Part-FullSeries/