Suzanne, have you ever interviewed Colombia economics prof Jeffrey Sachs? Someone on Robert Reich’s Substack posted a link to a lecture and Q&A he gave at Cambridge last Fall: "Can there ever be a truly liberal international order?"

It's a startling and comprehensive overview of US geopolitics over the past half century — covering US involvement in events in Russia, Ukraine, Middle East, Iraq, Afghanistan, China, and elsewhere. Our hands are far from clean. His basic point is that major world leaders are operating on a set of principles that are hopelessly out of date (“who’s going to be the world’s hegemon?”) and it will inevitably take us to destruction

The good news is we could start having that “more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible” today, if we just get the militaristic, psychopaths and necrophiles out of the seats of power.

(You’ll know in the first 10 minutes whether you want to watch the full hour and half)

Professor Jeffrey Sachs + Q&A | Cambridge Union


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It was great to hear Sachs. I feel so much the same as he does. What's right for us human beings is so elemental that it even could be easy to bring it about. Like if Sachs was speaking to the world, I could see him rallying everyone. Goodness is dormant inside everyone. It's who we were designed to be, and I'd love to do some brainstorming with him about how to call that out.

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The Golden Rule is pretty simple, but the part that seems to be too hard for most people is that our kindness to others must apply to ALL others, whether or not we think they deserve it. We can each begin by going inside and seeing if there is anyone we would exempt from the Golden Rule. If there is, then we are part of the problem and that's where our work should begin.

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This calls up deep territory, not to be lightly brushed past about what this human love capacity is. Something is different between a hero and a villain, so what is the different way we hold that and treat that? It calls to mind an experience I had that I count as seminal in my development and understanding that revealed things to me about the universe and my true nature.

In the early ’80s, on mushrooms, I was sitting cross-legged on my bed when everything became very calm. Unusually, surreally so. The future was up to me, and what I had to do was “let everything land in my lap.” I was to accept reality with no resistance or drama or story. Reality is what is, regardless of any opinion about it, and I was to anchor myself in this primary perception. I sensed that if even one person practiced total acceptance, and the challenge was for it to be me, it would be the pivot for humanity to get to a new place. Speaking of Jesus…

So, to speak to your comment. it’s not kumbaya peace and love everyone. It’s acceptance of reality in this glorious universe where every perversion you could imagine exists. So, it’s to come from a ground of being where we treat everyone from our own compassionate place. For today, where I didn’t get into the inauguration because I had to get this ready before that took place, how to hold Trump, a creature so loathsome that it’s hard to imagine such a person exists? There would be some deep compassion for his sick soul at the same time as he is in the material world where he’s possibly going to kill all of us, so, in addition to empathy for him, whatever “just” treatment, that mitigates against the damage he can do, would be what's called into play.

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I still say it remains all of ours to recognize patriarchal priorities that still condition humanity today. Naturally men's stronger more external anatomy seeded women's softer internalized mothering mission thus men out in the world to protect, provide and pioneer. They've done bravely and brilliantly via military, mechanics, metrics, tools and tech so follows they made the rules and religions today leaving us to dishonor our grounded life-source, personal and planetary and our utter dependence upon Mother Nature and the relational nature of mothering. So much gets dissed because no bottom line for what cannot be measured -- oh you know, like love, or its lack in this world which keeps us knowingly ecocidal 'til we consume a lot less but swallow a lot more humble pie ~

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There's an evolution going on, where we're headed for being the family of humanity with all members treated lovingly. On the way, it's two steps forward one step back. You've spotlighted our current status, which endangers everyone, so thinking caps on for big steps forward we can make.

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Called a "Debunker of Dogma," I speak about institutional must-dos which keep many "good do bees/compliant" trapped.

Here is one:

The word "history" is the shortened version of "his story, from the German "heilsgeschichte," for God's story." Eurocentric belief was that God is male, hence; "His story"/"history." Eurocentric language is male-dominated.

In order to change any system, the story must be understood...

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That's the story Anne Baring is the most brilliant in telling, that's the next to last piece in the video! When we put god outside ourselves we went from being a matriarchal, nature-based society, sacred creatures in a sacred universe, to where we became supplicants in a hierarchical, materialist universe.

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