More propelling us to get to the family of humanity
Is it time for some hooking up?
Being out of the danger of the moment here in L.A., I’m back to the postponed second half of my SUE Speaks RETROSPECTIVE, 2023-2024 (here is Part One), of excerpts from videos I’ve passed along. I love how it came together, where it delivers what is compelling to me now.
It’s been a lot of years that I’ve been looking to how we need a fundamental change in a civilization that favors profits over human needs. Hey, I’m in good company with the messenger who told us that 2,000 years ago.
What holds us back from running the world more like a family, all connected, helping each other, is overshoot. It’s humanity’s success, from being so good at doing things, that now has us eating ourselves out of house and home. What a predicament.
Where to from here? Let’s see if anyone gets inspired about that from what you get from this!
How about it being timely now to unite? To go from talking about what’s wrong to taking action to right things? It could be MLK Jr.’s Beloved Community, that Marianne Williamson talks about, signed up for by masses of people of good will. As Marjorie Kelly says, “Those of us who do get it need to connect and build the movement that then can become a political force.” Peter Russell‘s clarity about exponential growth would give everyone a framework for thinking about what to do, and people even could get educated from an ad campaign to sell a “huge shift in our understanding, from worshipping something far distant in our heavens to participating in the sacred ground of the universe,” that Anne Baring is so articulate about. Plus, how about some instigation to trigger the model for revolutionary change that Roman Krznaric tell us accounted for the fall of the Berlin Wall?
What else? Thinking caps on, please!
PS: One of my old L.A. allies does heart-warming work with communities of volunteers who distribute donated goods to people in need. His Volunteer Collective has stepped in now for fire victims, where it “has become a critical resource for connecting much-needed volunteers to the most effective relief efforts.” Click here for what you could do.
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Suzanne, have you ever interviewed Colombia economics prof Jeffrey Sachs? Someone on Robert Reich’s Substack posted a link to a lecture and Q&A he gave at Cambridge last Fall: "Can there ever be a truly liberal international order?"
It's a startling and comprehensive overview of US geopolitics over the past half century — covering US involvement in events in Russia, Ukraine, Middle East, Iraq, Afghanistan, China, and elsewhere. Our hands are far from clean. His basic point is that major world leaders are operating on a set of principles that are hopelessly out of date (“who’s going to be the world’s hegemon?”) and it will inevitably take us to destruction
The good news is we could start having that “more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible” today, if we just get the militaristic, psychopaths and necrophiles out of the seats of power.
(You’ll know in the first 10 minutes whether you want to watch the full hour and half)
Professor Jeffrey Sachs + Q&A | Cambridge Union
The Golden Rule is pretty simple, but the part that seems to be too hard for most people is that our kindness to others must apply to ALL others, whether or not we think they deserve it. We can each begin by going inside and seeing if there is anyone we would exempt from the Golden Rule. If there is, then we are part of the problem and that's where our work should begin.