Ten years ago I produced a wonderful program for TEDx West Hollywood. Marianne Williamson was a speaker. She was not feeling her best with some sort of flu, but her enlightened perspective still shines through.
That she is running for President is wild and maybe whacky, but there she is, so let’s take it from there. I think if we knew nothing about anybody and just listened to all the candidates she would be our President. She is coming from a bedrock of fairness and kindness and not just dealing with political positions devoid of moral ones. She’s in the bigger story in which we aren’t dog-eat-dog rugged individualists but are one humanity, which is the essential realization we need to get us all helping to make this a wonderful world.
PS: I like passing along tips. I don’t usually do that for any compensation, as I would get here, but I’m doing this because it’s a cut and dried item you may not be aware of that could be good for you financially. After years of banks paying no interest on savings accounts, now they are paying. Of the interest being paid, the online banks way outstrip the standard ones and they are as safe. I put my money in one of a small group of them that’s paying the highest interest, which is 5.3% now. Here’s the verbiage they gave me to enroll people:
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With my old subscribers having been moved here from Constant Contact, most of you aren’t participating in the Substack world. I get a lot of direct replies to each post that I’d prefer you to send as Comments on the post so we can have robust discussions. It’s simple to sign up, so please do it! First timers to Substack will need to create an account.
She would certainly shake up a world that is already in trauma, so why not go for it. As we know, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So let’s do something radical and see what happens. Also, I have to say, as someone who put some money into this account, it’s pretty amazing, I think I’ve made close to $200 a month, and I was very wary of it, but it’s legit.