She would certainly shake up a world that is already in trauma, so why not go for it. As we know, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So let’s do something radical and see what happens. Also, I have to say, as someone who put some money into this account, it’s pretty amazing, …
She would certainly shake up a world that is already in trauma, so why not go for it. As we know, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So let’s do something radical and see what happens. Also, I have to say, as someone who put some money into this account, it’s pretty amazing, I think I’ve made close to $200 a month, and I was very wary of it, but it’s legit.
Thanks so much for confirming the bank situation. It was so surprising to me to come across the fact that interest was being paid on bank accounts after years when there wasn't any that I thought others likely would find this to be news, also, where if so it's real money people's pockets.
She would certainly shake up a world that is already in trauma, so why not go for it. As we know, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So let’s do something radical and see what happens. Also, I have to say, as someone who put some money into this account, it’s pretty amazing, I think I’ve made close to $200 a month, and I was very wary of it, but it’s legit.
Thanks so much for confirming the bank situation. It was so surprising to me to come across the fact that interest was being paid on bank accounts after years when there wasn't any that I thought others likely would find this to be news, also, where if so it's real money people's pockets.