Essay contest title suggestion for you: "Manifest Change Essay Contest", because I feel like putting down the ideas in words is the first step in manifesting those ideas into the change we want to see.
This video from CBS Sunday Morning about two years ago so impressed a non-climate-activist friend of mine that she enthusiastically brought it to my attention.
My hope for the video is that it inspires folks to embrace the following message.
Consumers (individuals, organizations, businesses, governments) must promptly minimize their greenhouse gas emissions to bridge the gap while we work on long-term green technology and infrastructure. Less heating and less cooling (none between 13C-30C/55F-85F, Less driving. Less flying. Less meat-eating. Less population growth (2 children max). Do it yourself. Tenaciously encourage others to do it.
Embrace the message and tenaciously introduce the message "business card" to all you encounter. (Print the business card 12 per 8.5x11 using a file from the Promote page of the website.)
Be a climate superhero - take it to the next level. Promote the message at local events. Files for posters available on the Promote page of the website.
Well, not right for this to be a springboard to you, but here you are. From that charming climate segment, I learned about the "Engine Trouble" since the dawn of the age of engines in the 1760s, that got us endangered from greenhouse gas, which was good to know. I wonder, though, how effective your methodology is, where people aren't ignorant as much as uninterested. Changing humanity's mind about what we're doing here is where I put my attention, so everyone would want to do what it takes to take care of Earth.
We share a common goal - "changing humanity's mind about what we're doing here … so everyone would want to do what it takes to take care of Earth". We differ in our detail focus. Specifically for me, the focus is changing humanity's mind about continuing their consumer greenhouse gas emissions that are adding to the human suffering due to global warming - suffering that could get far worse than what we are seeing currently - suffering that is by far the most devastating crisis ever faced by humankind. The search for the more-effective methodology to accomplish the goal continues year after year. Challenging. Frustrating. Depressing.
Probably need a mix of methodologies given the probable wide range of reasons many folks have not yet minimized their greenhouse gas emissions.
When the issue is facts, in some cases it's disagreement, and some cases it's lack of awareness. The science of global warming due to greenhouse gases. The data of global temperatures - past or present. The estimates of future global warming. The consequences of global warming - past or present or projected future. The need to promptly minimize consumer greenhouse gas emissions (different solutions will get the job done - you mean the solutions you've been advocating year after year, the solutions that are slooowly moving forward?). The feasibility of getting consumers to promptly minimize their greenhouse gas emissions (not possible, so no use in trying). Global warming problems will become overwhelming (or possibly unsolvable) in the future unless we act now.
Moving beyond facts, there is the issue of desire and duty. Is there desire and duty to help save others from suffering? Or, does "what's in it for me?" drive the score card. Or, is there a threshold between "desire and duty" and "what's in it for me" - possibly with a threshold that rules out much of the action needed to combat global warming.
I proceed on the basis that the search for improved methodology needs to address both "facts" and "desire and duty". Hopefully the solutions lie mostly in the area of "facts". I suspect that "facts" roadblocks are far easier to overcome than "desire and duty" roadblocks.
Changing topics, your initial comment did not go unnoticed. "...not right for this to be a springboard to you…". Seems to me that I'm very much in tune with your attention to "changing humanity's mind about what we're doing here … so everyone would want to do what it takes to take care of Earth". On the other hand, I'm getting the impression that inspiring others (and yourself) to promptly minimize consumer greenhouse gas emission doesn't get a lot of your attention - not much included in your vision of "care of Earth". Hopefully that changes as you give it more thought. Your support from.your bully pulpit would likely pull a lot of warriors into the battle against global warming and the human suffering it causes.
I wrote this to you when you submitted this work in your essay:
"I liked reading that cozy story but it’s more of a fairy tale. It didn’t seem like what would get this complex, dense world to change its ways. People ignore global warming and I don’t think informing them of it is what’s necessary. What would move them? That’s where we need ideas. What can we do that would move us into a new understanding."
Now here you are hawking an idea I've rejected. Not the place to do that, wouldn't you agree when you think about it?
Seems to me we are having an appropriate ongoing discussion of what it would take to to move folks to save the world. Here was a piece from CBS Sunday Morning (GOAT TV) trying to move folks to minimize their greenhouse gas emissions to save the world - prevent significant potions of our land from disappearing under the sea. My assessment - by itself this video has left most folks unmoved with respect to minimizing their greenhouse gas emissions. With a bit of.side commentary, a few more can be moved. The video informs, but needs to get specific in terms of needed action by the viewer. The typical viewer on their own doesn't make the transition from.informed to specific action.
I would say you've taken me by surprise. Your objections to my posts especially surprised me given what I would judge to be the mellow nature of our topic. I'm used to discussion sites where there is frequently a wide range of conflicting opinions presented. I'm very new to your site.
I say we-the-people need to rally to become a force, since politicians answer to funders over constituents, and that could be what goes into a title! This does tell it like it is.
Agreed! My thought is: how do we better leverage the next large protest? You can't predict when they will happen, but we can be certain it will. So when is happens, how do we transform it from a moment to a movement? That's kinda what my intention with Village was initially.
For the contest name, maybe just a little change to the How We Saved The World essay contest?
I like it!
Essay contest title suggestion for you: "Manifest Change Essay Contest", because I feel like putting down the ideas in words is the first step in manifesting those ideas into the change we want to see.
This video from CBS Sunday Morning about two years ago so impressed a non-climate-activist friend of mine that she enthusiastically brought it to my attention.
My hope for the video is that it inspires folks to embrace the following message.
Consumers (individuals, organizations, businesses, governments) must promptly minimize their greenhouse gas emissions to bridge the gap while we work on long-term green technology and infrastructure. Less heating and less cooling (none between 13C-30C/55F-85F, Less driving. Less flying. Less meat-eating. Less population growth (2 children max). Do it yourself. Tenaciously encourage others to do it.
Embrace the message and tenaciously introduce the message "business card" to all you encounter. (Print the business card 12 per 8.5x11 using a file from the Promote page of the website.)
Be a climate superhero - take it to the next level. Promote the message at local events. Files for posters available on the Promote page of the website.
Well, not right for this to be a springboard to you, but here you are. From that charming climate segment, I learned about the "Engine Trouble" since the dawn of the age of engines in the 1760s, that got us endangered from greenhouse gas, which was good to know. I wonder, though, how effective your methodology is, where people aren't ignorant as much as uninterested. Changing humanity's mind about what we're doing here is where I put my attention, so everyone would want to do what it takes to take care of Earth.
We share a common goal - "changing humanity's mind about what we're doing here … so everyone would want to do what it takes to take care of Earth". We differ in our detail focus. Specifically for me, the focus is changing humanity's mind about continuing their consumer greenhouse gas emissions that are adding to the human suffering due to global warming - suffering that could get far worse than what we are seeing currently - suffering that is by far the most devastating crisis ever faced by humankind. The search for the more-effective methodology to accomplish the goal continues year after year. Challenging. Frustrating. Depressing.
Probably need a mix of methodologies given the probable wide range of reasons many folks have not yet minimized their greenhouse gas emissions.
When the issue is facts, in some cases it's disagreement, and some cases it's lack of awareness. The science of global warming due to greenhouse gases. The data of global temperatures - past or present. The estimates of future global warming. The consequences of global warming - past or present or projected future. The need to promptly minimize consumer greenhouse gas emissions (different solutions will get the job done - you mean the solutions you've been advocating year after year, the solutions that are slooowly moving forward?). The feasibility of getting consumers to promptly minimize their greenhouse gas emissions (not possible, so no use in trying). Global warming problems will become overwhelming (or possibly unsolvable) in the future unless we act now.
Moving beyond facts, there is the issue of desire and duty. Is there desire and duty to help save others from suffering? Or, does "what's in it for me?" drive the score card. Or, is there a threshold between "desire and duty" and "what's in it for me" - possibly with a threshold that rules out much of the action needed to combat global warming.
I proceed on the basis that the search for improved methodology needs to address both "facts" and "desire and duty". Hopefully the solutions lie mostly in the area of "facts". I suspect that "facts" roadblocks are far easier to overcome than "desire and duty" roadblocks.
Changing topics, your initial comment did not go unnoticed. "...not right for this to be a springboard to you…". Seems to me that I'm very much in tune with your attention to "changing humanity's mind about what we're doing here … so everyone would want to do what it takes to take care of Earth". On the other hand, I'm getting the impression that inspiring others (and yourself) to promptly minimize consumer greenhouse gas emission doesn't get a lot of your attention - not much included in your vision of "care of Earth". Hopefully that changes as you give it more thought. Your support from.your bully pulpit would likely pull a lot of warriors into the battle against global warming and the human suffering it causes.
I wrote this to you when you submitted this work in your essay:
"I liked reading that cozy story but it’s more of a fairy tale. It didn’t seem like what would get this complex, dense world to change its ways. People ignore global warming and I don’t think informing them of it is what’s necessary. What would move them? That’s where we need ideas. What can we do that would move us into a new understanding."
Now here you are hawking an idea I've rejected. Not the place to do that, wouldn't you agree when you think about it?
Seems to me we are having an appropriate ongoing discussion of what it would take to to move folks to save the world. Here was a piece from CBS Sunday Morning (GOAT TV) trying to move folks to minimize their greenhouse gas emissions to save the world - prevent significant potions of our land from disappearing under the sea. My assessment - by itself this video has left most folks unmoved with respect to minimizing their greenhouse gas emissions. With a bit of.side commentary, a few more can be moved. The video informs, but needs to get specific in terms of needed action by the viewer. The typical viewer on their own doesn't make the transition from.informed to specific action.
You're in my home, selling people what I've told you is not something I would buy. What's appropriate about that?
I would say you've taken me by surprise. Your objections to my posts especially surprised me given what I would judge to be the mellow nature of our topic. I'm used to discussion sites where there is frequently a wide range of conflicting opinions presented. I'm very new to your site.
"Back to the Future"
How We Saved the World Essay Contest
Boy, is that a loaded titling that makes you think!
Way too long, but fun to post!
We-The-People Global Cooperation Essay Contest!
I say we-the-people need to rally to become a force, since politicians answer to funders over constituents, and that could be what goes into a title! This does tell it like it is.
Agreed! My thought is: how do we better leverage the next large protest? You can't predict when they will happen, but we can be certain it will. So when is happens, how do we transform it from a moment to a movement? That's kinda what my intention with Village was initially.
By my lights, collect us. Then we march -- on the internet.