Good honest and sensible post, Sue!

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Please consider promoting the idea of horizontal governance (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wywMhg604W8). The core issue in my opinion is that we are controlled by criminal billionaires who control and corrupt all governments (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oilxI6Dgoy8). Governments are for sale (politicians). Only the super rich and multi corporations can afford. This collusion between the ultra rich and the governments is centuries old. Voting only perpetuates this. This is a strategy, but first hardly anyone has thought of this, even though it is not a new idea. We need to spread this to make a tsunami of public outcry to make this a reality. https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/never-again-is-now-global/Never-Again-Is-Now-Global-Part-FullSeries/

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Very bad times now. Even unthinkable. Your material is wonderful and horizontal governance makes sense for how people eventually could chose to be governed. I'm fixed on getting to where we're cooperating so we'd make such life-giving choices. Big job to take away what prevents that -- like poverty. I'd be good with a spontaneous awakening all over the globe! I wonder if we'd make the world like Ken and Barbie -- not long to wait to check out how that would be.

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Under governments that are controlled by billionaire criminals who own the mainstream media, the people are easily manipulated and how are we going to cooperate within one another when we are taught to hate the "enemy" or people with a different opinion (demos and repubs, or people who refuse the jab). First, we must remove the oligarchs. Horizontal is one strategy, people need to put this idea into the heads of the masses. We need real strategies, wishful thinking will get us nowhere.

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I agree. My ideas are for what to actually do. I notice, though, that you don't deal with things I say but just put out what contradicts them. Love to engage a good mind that's responsive to me.

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I hope I don't seem contradictory. If I disagree with what you just posted, I will prove that you are right. I just hope to be honest with you.

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How about trying again to do what you say you're doing, which is to disagree? How would you get the oligarchs to be removed? We need to talk about what to do, not just rail at what's wrong and wishful think about how we'd like things to be.

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Jul 11, 2023
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Justin, Justin, Justin. Why would you crash in with this horrible comment? Slashing away at anything that doesn't have to do with what you're commenting on is bizarre. Kinda funny that this is from your latest piece: "...learn how to love each other and be-loved by each other ´universally´ - and learn to travel through The Great Mystery in deep intimacy with each other, while we´re in the process of co-creating our new culture." No Masons allowed?

I thought to remove your post but I'm kind of fascinated by it so maybe we all can learn something in my leaving it up.

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