Not only glad you're safe but I have to chuckle that, come hell and extreme fire, you still don't miss a beat! I hope your emergency escape is not needed and may peace, calm and the message so very well-expressed by Sam Harris come to pass. And I loved the reminder of the sizzle reel!
Not having an accurate mind image of a coast 6,000+ miles from my home, I had not realized just how close your home is to the fires I'd been reading about these last days. I am so thankful, Suzanne that you have survived. Stay safe, dear friend, Maurice
Amen? When there is so much good and kindness in come it's not what gets to the top until a tragedy unites our differences? And yes for sure men, and not just this planet, have suffered from patriarchy's ecocidal priorities we're all still so unseeingly conditioned by, to buy into. Why then, can we not recognize how much we're still programmed by this being a man's world? Still75+% on top in Washington, Wall St and even more dominant in tech and AI. And what happened to the need to adapt and evolve? Why is it still so threatening to the systemic status-quo to recognize how much we women are feared? Why the patterns continue for power and control if not over the innate embodied power of female over male? And with that, what else is denied but C.G.Jung's Feminine-principles of feeling and interdependence within and around us all. And why?! Oh of course when no place on today's bottom-line for unquantifiable values of caring and love! And more costly, their lack in our world. Here is to the influence of this heartbreaking time in LA -- to yes -- ignite the fire of love within the hearts and souls of our species. That is if we enable ourselves to survive for a future upon this our forsaken Mother Earth. Remembering from here in old Woodstock that we are stardust...and how we need to deepen humility to get back to the garden.....
Why why why? It's a question better left to others, like Anne Baring, who's in my playlist of thoughtshapers with this brilliant presentation that I wish was required viewing: "Awakening to a New Story" Whatever got us to where we are, my part is to be riveted on what to do!
Beautiful title and resonant have such a gift of expression, Suzanne 💜
This is wonderful and definitely aligns; passing this on.
Not only glad you're safe but I have to chuckle that, come hell and extreme fire, you still don't miss a beat! I hope your emergency escape is not needed and may peace, calm and the message so very well-expressed by Sam Harris come to pass. And I loved the reminder of the sizzle reel!
The sizzle reel, that you are inspirational in, has gotten some redo, so have a look at its new incarnation with things it didn't have before!
First things first, I’m glad you’re safe, Suzanne!❤️
yes, absolutely...and stay safe, Suzanne
Not having an accurate mind image of a coast 6,000+ miles from my home, I had not realized just how close your home is to the fires I'd been reading about these last days. I am so thankful, Suzanne that you have survived. Stay safe, dear friend, Maurice
Amen? When there is so much good and kindness in come it's not what gets to the top until a tragedy unites our differences? And yes for sure men, and not just this planet, have suffered from patriarchy's ecocidal priorities we're all still so unseeingly conditioned by, to buy into. Why then, can we not recognize how much we're still programmed by this being a man's world? Still75+% on top in Washington, Wall St and even more dominant in tech and AI. And what happened to the need to adapt and evolve? Why is it still so threatening to the systemic status-quo to recognize how much we women are feared? Why the patterns continue for power and control if not over the innate embodied power of female over male? And with that, what else is denied but C.G.Jung's Feminine-principles of feeling and interdependence within and around us all. And why?! Oh of course when no place on today's bottom-line for unquantifiable values of caring and love! And more costly, their lack in our world. Here is to the influence of this heartbreaking time in LA -- to yes -- ignite the fire of love within the hearts and souls of our species. That is if we enable ourselves to survive for a future upon this our forsaken Mother Earth. Remembering from here in old Woodstock that we are stardust...and how we need to deepen humility to get back to the garden.....
Why why why? It's a question better left to others, like Anne Baring, who's in my playlist of thoughtshapers with this brilliant presentation that I wish was required viewing: "Awakening to a New Story" Whatever got us to where we are, my part is to be riveted on what to do!