Thanks so much for this but watch out for inviting me unless you want to be way outside the box. There's so much pontificating about how bad it is and about what we "should" be doing but no original thinking about what actually could get us from where we are to where we need to be. If you are open to something different, like putting heads together to think original thoughts rather than just presenting speakers we've heard already, I'd love to be part of it. For instance, following up on this post, the world could be invited to submit ideas beforehand for let's say a thinkfest for panels of those great speakers to toss around. Actually I'm getting excited about what I'd bring to your table!
Am all ears for suggestions for what to do where we-the-people are able to get changes made that governments aren't making. I'm buying as a domain where people can put ideas and talk about them. We need to put thinking caps on and that it could be easier than we believe to get some power for the good where all we lack for is good ideas!
All good, Matthew, but idealistic ideas for how things could and should be abound. What is absent is actions to take to get them in play. Love to find any auspice dealing with that.
Suzanne--once you identify an organization, are you thinking to put out the word for suggestions for that particular organization (and cause), and send the box with suggestions to themI've been impressed by the quality of thinking and writing on your Substack? The box could even be headlined/inspired/endorsed/decorated by one of your "stars."
Not sure what you're thinking. It would have to be a website where anyone could post and that would have to be very well-known. Ideas can come from anywhere and now there isn't anyplace where everyone would see them.
All of your ideas are brilliant. Where I am stumped is when I think about embedding them in " get us to a workable world." Can there be a smaller test-case to try these out?
You know the first thing is to get conversation going. Even here. Nobody is talking about things to do. All we get is reports on how bad things are and visionary exercises in how good things could be but nothing about how to get from here to there. Once we got that to happen we'd develop ideas.
Getting is a good move I'll make, awaiting a power base to get the word out. I'm on it to collect some thought-shapers to create a serious campaign for what we-the-people can do.
Similar to Educate for Humanness, I always wondered why it wasn't until university that they teach about Psychology and we learn about our biases and blind spots. And the Milgram experiment, where 65% percent of people will shock another person to death because someone official looking asked them to. A lot of important human lessons every human should learn.
Our systems are holdovers from the Newtonian world and need huge overhauls to serve a different story. Education needs to shift it's primary goal from getting people rich to getting us happy!
Thanks for the encouragement. What it would take to get balls rolling is some influencer or an organization with more clout than I have. Or, a cultural hero to pick up on the Wisdom Council to start it. I'm grass roots and guerilla style now and I need to be discovered!
Dear Suzanne
Will you join me as an executive in initiating a global summit called Masters?
We will we bring together great speakers on topics related to the survival of humankind, and in a sustainable and loving way.
Dr Michael Ellis
Please contact me on-
International Association | The Club of Budapest | Hungary.
Founder Club of Budapest Australia
Thanks so much for this but watch out for inviting me unless you want to be way outside the box. There's so much pontificating about how bad it is and about what we "should" be doing but no original thinking about what actually could get us from where we are to where we need to be. If you are open to something different, like putting heads together to think original thoughts rather than just presenting speakers we've heard already, I'd love to be part of it. For instance, following up on this post, the world could be invited to submit ideas beforehand for let's say a thinkfest for panels of those great speakers to toss around. Actually I'm getting excited about what I'd bring to your table!
Love a suggestion box. Love the low tech hi stakes of this idea. All of these boxes you wrote about need to be checked!
Am all ears for suggestions for what to do where we-the-people are able to get changes made that governments aren't making. I'm buying as a domain where people can put ideas and talk about them. We need to put thinking caps on and that it could be easier than we believe to get some power for the good where all we lack for is good ideas!
here is a collection of values and visions that hopefully Most People would agree on...
And here is comprehensive outline for a sustainable and prosperous world..
All good, Matthew, but idealistic ideas for how things could and should be abound. What is absent is actions to take to get them in play. Love to find any auspice dealing with that.
Thank you, Suzanne. My hope is writing was that the suggestions offered would be of the "how to get there" nature." Perhaps that should be specified.
Suzanne--once you identify an organization, are you thinking to put out the word for suggestions for that particular organization (and cause), and send the box with suggestions to themI've been impressed by the quality of thinking and writing on your Substack? The box could even be headlined/inspired/endorsed/decorated by one of your "stars."
Not sure what you're thinking. It would have to be a website where anyone could post and that would have to be very well-known. Ideas can come from anywhere and now there isn't anyplace where everyone would see them.
All of your ideas are brilliant. Where I am stumped is when I think about embedding them in " get us to a workable world." Can there be a smaller test-case to try these out?
You know the first thing is to get conversation going. Even here. Nobody is talking about things to do. All we get is reports on how bad things are and visionary exercises in how good things could be but nothing about how to get from here to there. Once we got that to happen we'd develop ideas.
Great ideas. The website names and net and others are available. Launch a website with this mission?
Getting is a good move I'll make, awaiting a power base to get the word out. I'm on it to collect some thought-shapers to create a serious campaign for what we-the-people can do.
Similar to Educate for Humanness, I always wondered why it wasn't until university that they teach about Psychology and we learn about our biases and blind spots. And the Milgram experiment, where 65% percent of people will shock another person to death because someone official looking asked them to. A lot of important human lessons every human should learn.
Our systems are holdovers from the Newtonian world and need huge overhauls to serve a different story. Education needs to shift it's primary goal from getting people rich to getting us happy!
Fabulous as usual, dear friend! I love this idea...couldn’t we start the ball rolling thru your website and word of mouth? That would lid be cool. 😍😍😍
Thanks for the encouragement. What it would take to get balls rolling is some influencer or an organization with more clout than I have. Or, a cultural hero to pick up on the Wisdom Council to start it. I'm grass roots and guerilla style now and I need to be discovered!