By “we” I mean we-the-people. With governments serving funders over constituents, a Suggestion Box would give us a place to deliver our bright ideas for what could be done.
As someone living on the edge of where we are and where we need to be, I’ve developed a dossier of ideas I’d submit. Some are things we could do ourselves to get us to a workable world, and a massive internet coalition could pressure governments to do other things.
What we-the-people could initiate:
TEACH THE UNIVERSE STORY – It’s the “new story” we need to make sense of human life, where we’re not on a dead rock, going nowhere, but it’s humanity coming from the living, evolving Earth, here to take care of her.
CREATE AN AD HOC WISDOM COUNCIL of well-known people. One volunteer starts it -- say MacKenzie Scott. She gets one more. Maybe Kate Raworth. The two of them get the third, and so on. If this group deliberated on what they would do, everyone would listen.
A SUGGESTION BOX is for anyone to contribute ideas, with discussions to hone them before they go to the Wisdom Council.
THE HUMAN SURVIVAL COALITION – Collect millions of people who are for the good to become a force that pressures governments to do what only they could do.
FIRESIDE CHATS a la Roosevelt that go viral like the Ice Bucket Challenge, where it’s fashionable for everyone, from celebrities to unknowns, to make videos to get the human family united.
CIRCLES OF TRUST – Everyone is in one where 8 people help each other.
THE POWER OF PRAYER – A minute-a-day at 6:00 pm in every time zone worldwide. A focus on kindness could start it out.
What we’d pressure governments to do:
UBI (Universal Basic Income) – Everyone in the civilized world gets food, shelter, education, and health care. Take people out of survival to be able to participate in thinking about the future.
OUTLAW BILLIONAIRES – In our money is power world it’s undemocratic for them to hold sway.
NO DRUG COMMERCIALS for diseases only some people have.
NO COMMERCIALS FOR CANDIDATES except talking to the camera, and debates are unmoderated conversations.
MODEL GUN LAWS AFTER JAPAN – They have no schools shootings.
MODEL OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM AFTER NORWAY – Their 20% prison recidivism rate compares to 75% for the U.S.
EDUCATE FOR HUMANNESS – Train teachers for educating children to mindfulness, parenting, kindness, and the like.
The Suggestion Box would be for things that could be created and things that already are being done that could be replicated. This post is Part 1. Part 2 will be something one woman did that’s made a big block of strangers into a caring bunch of friends.
Is there an idea you would implement if you ran the world? Comments are our Suggestion Box!
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