Suzanne - you first pointed me in a hopeful direction by suggesting that we need an alternative to Biden, and you proposed Tim Shriver. Since then, I’ve been thinking. Then when Robert Reich posted earlier this week, lamenting that actor and major donor George Clooney is now calling for Biden to step down, it hit me — run George Clooney at the top of the ticket!

It makes sense for a number of reasons. Though not a politician, he has far more on the ball than people like Reagan, Schwarzenegger or George W. In fact, people generally distrust professional politicians today (a factor that has probably helped Trump.) Moreover, Clooney is likely free of the compromises, sellouts, and obligations others have to make in order to attain office. Clooney knows how to work with various directors, agents, coaches, specialists and subordinates to get a major project accomplished. He himself has directed several major release film projects. His wife is a human rights lawyer. He’s traveled and worked internationally.

A challenge at this point for any other alternative Democratic candidate is gaining enough recognition and respect in the time remaining. Yet due to his career, Clooney is widely known, and everybody seems to like him – and I suspect he’d draw off a substantial portion of Trump voters (as well as from RFK Jr).

Finally, many people vote on superficial criteria — Clooney simply *looks* like a hero – especially next to the other two cadaverous options.

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Now there's an idea! All right! It would be a landslide.

It's odd how he gets a lot of who does he think he is sort of thing. But he's sort a god by virtue of having been up close and personal with Biden, at the big fundraiser, and says Biden was the same as at the debate.

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Thanks for the Comments. I agree. We need a new face in the presidential crowd.

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I am grateful for your intent, your focus on what we, as citizens can do. What we need to protect our democracy and yes, to protect even Biden who is honorable and has done a terrific job! Thank you for all you do. For your thoughtfulness and ncontinuing attention to what is needed to support, nourish and protect our democracy! Brava!

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I just want to support call for Marianne. It appears that unless one has followed her through social media, she's an unknown. She has tirelessly traveled the country this past year - speaking to whomever, wherever would hear her, in every primary state, back & forth. Her energy, and energy level is incredible. The DNC has tried their best to silence her, and through that I suppose CNN, MSNBC have followed. She believes she is the one to beat Trump. Marianne needs a platform to be heard -- she's called for an open convention next month. I support her because she comes from outside of Washington. She's melded spirituality & politics in her books Healing the Soul of America, 1997, 2000; A Politics of Love, 2019. That's the kind of leader I'd like to take us forward. I supported her in 2020; I support her now.

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Really! Anyone who is tuned into Marianne would think how head and shoulders above anyone in politics she is. I can see something like I suggested, where contenders all get to introduce themselves and she gets the nomination. Then, she would mop up the floor with Trump. What a life saving miracle that would be for all of us.

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This is new video where Marianne gives her opinion about the mess we are in: https://youtu.be/ENGCLXsLkRg?si=XIlc2rMqqLzn2HwY

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The pro-war pro-empire pro-billionaire pro-Wall St pro-M.I.C pro-war profiteering industry pro-NeoCon pro-Zionist pro-corporate-capitalist right-wing DNC would much rather lose to trump (who represents the other half of the ruling class and who will continue 99% of their pro-billionaire imperialist right-wing policies, like he did in his first presidency, just like biden continued 99% of trump’s policies), right-wing capitalist DNC much prefers that than to allow near the presidency anyone who might threaten the hierarchical anti-egalitarian interests of the corporate-capitalist billionaire's empire


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I clicked on your link but couldn't get through how black and white your vision is, attributing a venality to the monied class that I don't recognize. Money talks in our world. It gets people big houses, meals at expensive restaurants, and better situations for just about everything. However, there's no need to consciously oppress the poor, as you characterize the situation, since the status quo of who can afford things is a function of the money people have and not their active victimization of others in some scroogy sort of way. That they don't have more egalitarian perspectives is something else again, which is a major thing I see to be worked on.

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Thank you. The second half of the essay lists 22 examples of how the ruling class treat the have-nots like dirt. These examples are just the tip of rhe iceberg, and tyey are immediately recnognizable to anyome who isn't part of the top 20% wealth holders (which is the social-economic class that support biden and the DNC corporate capitalists, according to polls, while the lower 80% do not support them, to say it politely). See






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I think that's terrible material. It's written from such a misanthropic point of view. Like the foibles that we are far from being past are an excuse for you to write mean-spirited appraisals.

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Thank you. May i ask what exactly is the "it" that you are referring to? I linked to three essays (plus another one in the previous comment) that cover A LOT of material, yet you responded with a one liner that "it" is terrible and misanthropic. What is? The entirety of the four essays and all the material covered in them? All of it is terrible and misanthropic? I'd be happy to relate to your concern, but It is not clear to me what exactly in these four essays are you actually addressing.

I personally didn't find these essays to be terrible and misanthropic at all but exactly the opposite, but again, i don't really know what in these four essays are you actually referring to.

As for you last sentence, i apologize but i didn't understand what you were trying to say in that sentence.

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Yes, we should all listen to each other and take in what each other has to say . We have to include and integrate what is very hard to even hear much less include. that’s the only way we’re ever gonna get anywhere. Compromise is the essence of democracy. I’ve got Covid.

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I'm not talking about everyone listening to one another -- like enemies should. I'm in a different slot, advocating that people with their rights on, rather than feeling helpless, think with one another about what to do. The essay contest got passive people activated, and it was a clue about how valuable it is to think about how to bring about a positive future.

Of course, bummer about Covid. I bet you thought it was email to me, as we do a lot of.

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Eventually, it will all work itself out and eventually will be in a new place. But we are in the transition which is very painful, chaotic, out of control and exhausting. I don’t agree that Marianne is an answer. She’s a good teacher and guide but thats all.

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I do strongly believe that if people listened to everyone who is in contention there would be no contest. Aside from whatever reasons you'd have for what you've written, how do you feel about that?

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The ONLY thing that matters right now is beating Trump! THAT IS THE ONLY THING!

No matter how great any potential candidate may be, they must be judged—for this election—ONLY in terms of CAN THIS PERSON BEAT DONALD TRUMP?!?!

Great people like Marianne can be given other roles in the government. But unless she—or anyone else—can beat Donald Trump, she should drop out immediately so as not to take away any votes from the candidate who could—and must—beat Trump!

Sent from my iPhone

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She can't take votes away from Biden since, unlike RFK Jr,. who is running 3rd party, she won't be on any ballots in November unless she becomes the Democratic candidate. That, as per Willie the Shakes, is "a consummation devoutly to be wished for," since if people heard her I think they would vote instead of staying home, which is the big threat.

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I know about both Marianne and Kamala. With the violence and the disruption, I believe the best choice for now is Kamala. She's been officially working with the players in Congress. A former attorney general of California and she's had a long stint with Biden which has also provided her with needed knowledge and experience. Biden seemed to be very happy with her.

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Her worth isn't the salient issue. It's that giving the nomination to someone not chosen by the people is fundamentally anti-democratic. If we had the forum I've suggested, she would be one of the presenters.

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If Biden does have early onset Alzheimer's or Dementia it needs to be treated right away. There are no medical solutions to stop the disease. Personally, I believe anyone in the office of the president needs to be examined regularly. It's a dangerous situation. He seems to believe he's ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. What if he's not! I also believe that govts need to be prepared for the unexpected... change is the SOLE absolute in life. If a man or woman is holding the highest office, after a certain age, they should have regular medical exams. Heart, liver, kidneys AND brain!

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You're saying that flexibility in cases of medical emergency should not be discussed. That is not a way to run a govt, a corporation or one's own home. The Dems should demand he have a brain test. His brain may be perfectly ok, but early onset AD does happen. Especially at his age. Am thinking of the possiblity of his brain suddenly taking a dive. I worked for several years in Charlottesville where UVa is located. Close to DC. I did pr, marketing and wrote and edited a weekly publication for the National Alz. Assc. Articles included data for caregivers and famiies. I organized fund raisers. I've studied ALZ! Created alternative programs for patients and created awareness of dietary needs, etc. I'm sure the Bidens know about alot of that. But this feels like they may be perpetrating a lie.

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I just watched this, which is very compelling about Biden likely having Parkinson's: https://youtu.be/97ZIHY2QcDI?si=9eaamb2EvR3YMSVL. It gave me hope that some revelation like that would get our brain-dimmed President to step down.

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That's interesting. I know someone with advanced Parkinson's... He has trouble speaking. Thank you for posting that Suzanne. It seems to me that a nation is only as good as it's citizens engagement with the ruling body. Over the years, many Americans have ignored their end of the 'bargain'. I know everyone has challenges, health, family, etc etc. I also believe all Americans could find 1 to 2 hours a week to participate in our Democracy. In San Francisco, political involvement tends to be popular. To elect a govt and then ignore the ones in charge is like handing the keys to your own home!. I've lived under dictatorships, govts that were in shaky positions and the outcomes weren't good.Nations where citizens were 'disappeared'.. never to be found. Where the military came in through your bedroom window in the middle of the night with machine guns. Where peopole were dragged, never to be seen again. Americans are spoiled! And currently, there are too many who are willfully ignorant. Ready to hand over whatever power they have. Some figure they shouldn't have to do more than vote. I'm all for neighborhood or local active participation. Local groups educate each other. We're fortunate that 'thinking is allowed.' But we're unfortunate in that way. Too many are not willing to be involved. I don't have time. I voted! Let the elected people take over what needs to be done without ever examining what they're doing.

Wrong! Democracy needs oversight.

A once or twice a month meeting of neighbors and concerned citizens would be great. Democracy is a living organism! There are no free lunches! Lazy people invite takeovers. I keep wondering how we might best engage citizens. What kind of message should we send out? How might we structure a system that calls for X amount of active citizen. participation. It can be seen as a nuisance.. but the alternative comes with a big cost.

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Way too much that isn't sharp enough to take the time to read. You could cut everything and just leave this:

"I keep wondering how we might best engage citizens. What kind of message should we send out? How might we structure a system that calls for X amount of active citizen participation?"

Forward thinking is what we need to be doing.

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Jul 9
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Which musings are you talking about? Are you in the wrong place? I don't see any relation of this comment to what was posted.

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