Thank you for the links, always good to listen to the people talking about bringing us together rather then tearing us apart, yourself included

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Thanks once again for your ‘best of’ links Suzanne; you too are a rare gift to us with the way your perceptivity and devotion helps humanity monitor and influence the Pulse of these insane times.

I’ll subscribe to both of these reporter guys.

Been following Marianne for quite some time now, especially of late. Such a sweet and fascinating flash in the pan t’was to have her on the Dems’ presidential candidate debate stage, etc. The “condemnation” you refer to is always so saddening to see, for someone so undeserving of it, and when without it she’d be able to make a much much bigger difference. Imagine if Bernie and Marianne…but no, Clyburn and the rest of the short-sighted Stupid machine and MSM had to anoint Biden in SC and…sigh… The astonishing mass blindness behind all that, and now this forced Trip we’re all on back through Trumpistan hell, seems to be the real “enemy within” we must find our way to face. But you’re right, if that’s what it takes to wake the Sleepwalkers…double sigh……

Will have to deep-read me some Spangler again too; wow does he take me back to The New Age, of when, the 80s? Though I wasn’t much into the subtle realms and other such stuff back then and didn’t spend much time on him, he is so right on about the dynamics of tuning to different frequencies. It’s the most helpful metaphor I ever came across to, admittedly simplistically, explain how our consciousness works. In fact it’s actually kind of literally true, except there’s also a wondrous inclusiveness aspect to the tuning dial. To perceive things that way inside myself has been truly liberating, though like others I was feeling too alone there for too long. But to find folks like DS articulating the same essential experience, and much more, has been hugely helpful!

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