In my lifetime, the most explosive phenomenon I saw that took the world by storm was the Beatles. I've never seen anything compare to the energy and excitement they brought to the world.
Sometimes I wonder if opposition to the genocide in Gaza is doing this. How do we ramp it up tenfold? I sense that it could be the catalyst that brings about the change in direction towards a better world.
Taylor Swift is the Beatles of our day! Omg what bliss it would be if she got political. For Gaza protests, although Taylor could make a difference I don't think there's much you and I could do that would ramp it up, it's so much bigger than we are already. It's a phenomenon that has headwind and let's see if it's strong enough. It is the first rumble from the world in a long time, and each time we hope it will create fundamental change, so we're back for another round and fingers crossed as we watch the show.
It seems like a possibility if we avoid taking sides and instead focus on the creation of the world we want to see. We can demand that the UN, US, Israel, Palestine, etc. stop the war, support the citizens, bring the leaders to the table and find a solution that supports LIFE, for humanity, for the more-than-human-world, future generations and our ecosystems. As Suzanne said, it is about how we see ourselves and the world we want to create.
What "others?" I'd see it being for all people of goodwill. This is something I did a few decades ago with Lex Hixon, a great avatar, for what to be signatory to:
"A coalition already exists in spirit. It is coming together now in the social context by the attraction of its unconventional intelligence and compassionate form of high-mindedness. This natural coalition is drawn together by the recognition that the elevation of consciousness is our fundamental life work. This is a genuinely democratic, self-organizing force, flowing through persons of all descriptions. This force does not flourish as any highly structured form. It is not an institution or a foundation or a non-profit company or anything conventionally named. This coalition is a living organism -- natural, wild, free. It is made up of individuals devoted to serving the world and developing themselves as finely tuned instruments of service. They learn to gather in the energy of will-to-good, from which authentic goodwill flows out subtly to the entire world." -Lex Hixon-
I appreciate Lex Hixon's perspective. And I try my best to hold paradoxes. So while Lex's perspective is valid, so is offering people that we know, that we intentionally reach out to, that we don't know, an opportunity to discover where we are, what is perpetuating our situation, our distorted mindsets that are holding us where we are, and how to move forward together. We see this as a way to intentionally create more synergy for the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.
The "others" are people who are also providing this same type of opportunity to wake up, clean up, grow up and show up in action for our world.
Aloha Suzanne- there is a vastly superior intelligence that has existed on this planet for millions of years, in the form of the Family Of Cetacea. We're just too stupid to grasp that simple fact. Google anatomical drawing of human brain and dolphin brain and one look should tell you it is no contest. Opposable thumbs have got us into a huge mess they have avoided for millions of years. Using technology does NOT equate to high intelligence, as we can easily see.
Lovely meeting your rascal self here instead of email. Do you remember Brian Swimme's fish story? You may not know how smart your cheekiness is on this front. We are the fish brain!:
Surely AI might be the game changer. Either because
A. It actually delivers on its potential to disrupt conventional systems and develop long term strategies.
B. It continues to bumble along, delivering mediocre output but at a very low cost. The large class of unemployed former professionals will need something to keep them entertained...
New kid on the block, don't know if friendly. Since AI goes deep into everything, My query is about whether it would land in our oneness, which could be our salvation, counter to the speculation it will do us in....???
May I use your phrase for Stable Planet Alliance? I'm looking for a rallying cry for everyday citizens, NGOs, government, business to fly to create public will for the change we want to see in the world.
Everything you’re saying Suzanne is pointing in the right direction and is needed. Breaking through the noise, depression, the cynicism, the frustration the anger that despondency is gigantic. I don’t even know if it’s possible anymore. we just have to live through this horrible horrible transition that we’re in and we may not come out on the right end of it and that’s the truth. I am sorry for my negativity showing up but that’s where I am today my love. Keep it up Suzanne.
Fine as they would be, and you know because you do them -- god bless -- but they're not sweeping the country to shift mass consciousness quickly. Put on your thinking cap. Figure out how we can put on a cosmic show!!!!
I'm so happy to be getting to know you, Suzanne! Thank you for your great ideas. I'll follow as many of them as I can.
Music to my ears!
Hi Suzanne, I often think about the same thing.
In my lifetime, the most explosive phenomenon I saw that took the world by storm was the Beatles. I've never seen anything compare to the energy and excitement they brought to the world.
Sometimes I wonder if opposition to the genocide in Gaza is doing this. How do we ramp it up tenfold? I sense that it could be the catalyst that brings about the change in direction towards a better world.
Taylor Swift is the Beatles of our day! Omg what bliss it would be if she got political. For Gaza protests, although Taylor could make a difference I don't think there's much you and I could do that would ramp it up, it's so much bigger than we are already. It's a phenomenon that has headwind and let's see if it's strong enough. It is the first rumble from the world in a long time, and each time we hope it will create fundamental change, so we're back for another round and fingers crossed as we watch the show.
It seems like a possibility if we avoid taking sides and instead focus on the creation of the world we want to see. We can demand that the UN, US, Israel, Palestine, etc. stop the war, support the citizens, bring the leaders to the table and find a solution that supports LIFE, for humanity, for the more-than-human-world, future generations and our ecosystems. As Suzanne said, it is about how we see ourselves and the world we want to create.
We need a collective "we." It would be so helpful if we had what I've talked about in previous Substacks:
"THE HUMAN SURVIVAL COALITION – Collect millions of people to pressure government and spread good ideas."
Some auspice powerful enough to do it could collect all people of goodwill to be the mighty force we could become.
I like the Human Survival Coalition!
We are forming such a We collective. If you know of others please let me know.
When we are ready to roll out I'll be in touch!
What "others?" I'd see it being for all people of goodwill. This is something I did a few decades ago with Lex Hixon, a great avatar, for what to be signatory to:
"A coalition already exists in spirit. It is coming together now in the social context by the attraction of its unconventional intelligence and compassionate form of high-mindedness. This natural coalition is drawn together by the recognition that the elevation of consciousness is our fundamental life work. This is a genuinely democratic, self-organizing force, flowing through persons of all descriptions. This force does not flourish as any highly structured form. It is not an institution or a foundation or a non-profit company or anything conventionally named. This coalition is a living organism -- natural, wild, free. It is made up of individuals devoted to serving the world and developing themselves as finely tuned instruments of service. They learn to gather in the energy of will-to-good, from which authentic goodwill flows out subtly to the entire world." -Lex Hixon-
I appreciate Lex Hixon's perspective. And I try my best to hold paradoxes. So while Lex's perspective is valid, so is offering people that we know, that we intentionally reach out to, that we don't know, an opportunity to discover where we are, what is perpetuating our situation, our distorted mindsets that are holding us where we are, and how to move forward together. We see this as a way to intentionally create more synergy for the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.
The "others" are people who are also providing this same type of opportunity to wake up, clean up, grow up and show up in action for our world.
Aloha Suzanne- there is a vastly superior intelligence that has existed on this planet for millions of years, in the form of the Family Of Cetacea. We're just too stupid to grasp that simple fact. Google anatomical drawing of human brain and dolphin brain and one look should tell you it is no contest. Opposable thumbs have got us into a huge mess they have avoided for millions of years. Using technology does NOT equate to high intelligence, as we can easily see.
Lovely meeting your rascal self here instead of email. Do you remember Brian Swimme's fish story? You may not know how smart your cheekiness is on this front. We are the fish brain!:
Surely AI might be the game changer. Either because
A. It actually delivers on its potential to disrupt conventional systems and develop long term strategies.
B. It continues to bumble along, delivering mediocre output but at a very low cost. The large class of unemployed former professionals will need something to keep them entertained...
New kid on the block, don't know if friendly. Since AI goes deep into everything, My query is about whether it would land in our oneness, which could be our salvation, counter to the speculation it will do us in....???
One humanity, protecting our home.
Boom! That is it Suzanne.
May I use your phrase for Stable Planet Alliance? I'm looking for a rallying cry for everyday citizens, NGOs, government, business to fly to create public will for the change we want to see in the world.
Love it, especially if you say where it came from. I love what you people do, out there on the front lines.
Everything you’re saying Suzanne is pointing in the right direction and is needed. Breaking through the noise, depression, the cynicism, the frustration the anger that despondency is gigantic. I don’t even know if it’s possible anymore. we just have to live through this horrible horrible transition that we’re in and we may not come out on the right end of it and that’s the truth. I am sorry for my negativity showing up but that’s where I am today my love. Keep it up Suzanne.
It is great to be real. And then we can focus on creating what we want in this world. Let our grief turn to the wonder of LIFE and to creation.
That's how our human evolution bumps along! If we were in bliss we'd just stay with a status quo.
Are you suggesting something? What are you talking about? Carrot chambers????
Fine as they would be, and you know because you do them -- god bless -- but they're not sweeping the country to shift mass consciousness quickly. Put on your thinking cap. Figure out how we can put on a cosmic show!!!!