It was interesting to read Senator Chris Murphy write: "The challenges America faces aren't really logistical. They are metaphysical." See N.Y.T.'s August 19th article The Senator Warning Democrats of a Crisis Unfolding Under their Noses.

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This is a gift article from the NYT: "The Senator Warning Democrats of a Crisis Unfolding Beneath Their Noses"


More than interesting. It may be the zeitgeist, where this idea of us swimming in spiritual soup is up now in that mysterious evolutionary way that ideas whose time has come show up in multiple places at once. And more than ideas. Pyramids and also representational cave art showed up all over the world at about the same time. Maybe framing our current situation as spiritual is showing up now, and could indicate we're seriously on the way to becoming cooperative!

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Yes, society is a reflection of the state of our individuals. As above, so below.....Humanity has yet to come into its own. Our poly-opportunity, our meta-opportunity is to use this catalyst to wake us up into what more we can be. Not everyone is ready to come along, we are as you say, building capacity.

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"...to use this catalyst to wake us up into what more we can be" is what you know I'm trying to do, where so many are ready but don't have a way to act. You're on the list for when I collect enough of us to to do some deliberating about supplying the vehicle we so need.

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Why are we seeking solutions from the same monetary system and exploitation paradigm that created the problems?

Is it possible to make a Ponzi scheme fair for newcomers?

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Since we are where we are, how would we get solutions from anywhere else? Maybe you have your metaphors mixed, where there are not solutions from the level of consciousness in which problems were created, and the solutions would come from upleveling our level of consciousness...???

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