As with mainstream religions, I think we are in a "childhood" phase of human development. It's expected that children will take more than they can give, as part of the maturation process. Yet at some point, children are expected to grow up and take on the responsibilities of adulthood.

Unfortunately, our current economic model likes to keep us in the role of needy, greedy children.

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Love the cartoon! There is no "we" in trips to outer space or zero-sum games of any kind.

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I wonder if we might even see some good in ultra rich peoples' space trip indulgences in that as far as they funnel billionaires' money into that industry it saves us that much from supporting other spacey endeavors which have some good purpose. That could be what we build on the moon -- on the dark side -- from which to launch probes further than we can see now into the origins of the universe. That's not a frivolous pursuit but a fundamental curiosity we were designed with to understand ourselves.

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And I cat has 9 lives, we only get one shot!

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Typo fixed, that might have been a better title!

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