"Does acting lawfully and losing our country make sense?" To me, no it doesn't. But to most, apparently, it does. Including our representatives. I have no problem with lawsuits, but given those in charge don't give a crap about laws or the constitution, acting lawfully isn't going to cut it. It's a both/and situation, and all hands on deck. Every day something good or at least important if not perfect, is threatened or outright destroyed. We need to literally storm the Bastille.

I'm working on a substack today about what I feel is the role for energy/consciousness/intention on a coordinated, massive, daily scale. Love, yes - raging love - is what's needed. Everyone can do something, even people like me, living in the middle of nowhere, knowing virtually no one in the place, limited mobility due to a hip issue. Right now, I can't march, which would only be effective, IMO, if millions of us got out there every. single. day. I don't have money so I can't donate to the organizations on the front lines protecting people and Earth. My voice (words) don't reach all that far. But every day I can participate in a web of light, love, and passionate intention with millions of others, aware of each other. This is not "thoughts and prayers". This is energy work - magic, energetic, focused, whatever word you want to use - that people have practiced for thousands of years, and that has the potential to be a powerful force for change.

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Big yes. That's a whole other track humanity is on, involving the subtle realms, that just this morning I was reading about. David Spangler is in the highest echelon of thinkers: "What Can I Do?" https://lorian.org/community/2025/2/14/what-can-i-do.

We help each other on this journey, where I thought it was too subtle to be appreciated but your comment encourages me to say something about it in a post. If you have something to include, send it to me. I think about the waves of intelligence that can sweep through humanity where we raise ourselves up by our bootstraps, and this ideation would be a contribution to that.

Excerpts from "What Can I Do?"

Questions I can ask myself are these: “Am I representing the Light within me or am I mimicking and spreading the attitudes and energies of Trump (or any other “power-over” dictator in the world) and those like him?” What world do I wish to live in, one shaped by hatred and fear or one shaped by love? How am I contributing right now to the emergence of the world that I want?”

Each encounter, no matter how brief or trivial, is an opportunity for silent subtle activism. It is something we can definitely do. Love and healing live or die in my world through my choices and actions...

If something is worth fighting for, then fight for it! But do so with love, with care, and in a spirit of serving the good for all Humanity.

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We can't conquer darkness with darkness but only with love and light! So I agree about a shower of love. Donald Trump is a damaged man who has been warped by his experience. He was not born bad. I also wonder about using humour to catalyse change. I have never seen him laugh. C S Lewis famously said, "The devil cannot bear to be mocked"!

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You've read how I'm on the laugh-at-Trump track. It's taking the bait to prove him wrong for ridiculous positions that keeps us in a tailspin. And, as has been commented on, doing what we do from love is the winning attitude for each of us, and, from what we understand about the subtle realms, massive waves of love coming his way actually might get to him..

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Thanks for that PoliticsGirl clip - reposting. That's the passion we need!

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We have a choice of action that needs to be compartmentalized and prioritized by focusing on the most important issue that is affecting entire human race 1. To reduce armaments, especially elimination of nuclear weapons by TPNW (Treaty Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons). Since Trump is making several comments in agreement of this at Davos and other occasions, we can focus on that and send encouraging statements and putting our own biases and judgements aside, for the common good. I sent him a letter praising his thoughtful commitment to denuclearize and save $$$$ for better things. I can send this letter to anyone who wants to read it. I don't know if there is a limit of length on comments here.

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Among the most important, although you could make a case for THE most important. I passed this along from Daniel Ellsberg: "For everyone in the civilized world to watch.

Learn more about our playing life or death" https://substack.com/@suzannetaylor/p-145954354.

No word limit, but I trust it isn't book length!

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I like this: A New Plan To Create A World Without Elon Musks

By Sam Pizzigati, Inequality.org. Americans these days don’t much like billionaires. Our ultra-rich, Americans overwhelmingly believe, aren’t paying enough in taxes. Polling earlier this month found that nearly three-quarters of the nation’s likeliest voters — 74 percent — feel billionaires are paying “too little’ at tax time. Just how concerned about billion-dollar fortunes have Americans become? Nearly half of us overall, Harris polling found last summer, would like to see a limit on “wealth accumulation.” Among Gen Z’ers, that support for limits on billionaire fortunes runs all the way up to 65 percent. -more-

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I'm an independent voter and I focus on collective well-being through peace and prosperity for all. Although, we are blinded by current situations, because we are affected directly, let's work for peace and look ahead and see the end in the beginning. Here is my letter to President Trump



Honorable President Donald Trump,

I'm writing to express my deepest gratitude for your comment at Davos and appreciation of your noble goal to "denuclearize" our world and help bring about the "Golden Age of America" and the world. Your keen assessment of how the American money being wasted on wars and destruction can be redirected for human development is extremely praiseworthy. God bless you, Sir. Your heartfelt expression of deep sympathy and compassion for the loss of young lives in wars, particularly in your description of "the killing fields" in Ukraine, touched my soul.

I pray daily for your successful efforts toward "denuclearization" and for stopping the waste of American money on nuclear weapons and wars, by your intentional initiation of the process of rebuilding war-ravaged areas of our world. Your noble and great efforts to build amicable and friendly relationships with other world leaders are what the people of the world need, now.

When your commitment for denuclearization and to stopping wars is successful, you will take your rightful place in the pages of history as THE PRESIDENT OF WORLD PEACE, who saved the world from nuclear destruction.

In November 2023, I attended, with a group of Rotarians as civic society observers, the hearings at the U.N. for the Treaty Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons. Mr President, many people of the world are hoping and praying for you and for all the leaders of powerful nations to sign this extremely important Treaty for Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons agreement and make your goal to "denuclearize" our world, a reality. As you have said Mr President, how wonderful it would be to use our resources and the American money for economic development and for much better things.

May God assist you in becoming the historical champion of this goal, with your name written in the books of history and you being remembered for thousands of years to come.

Thank you Mr. President, for taking the time to read my plea for the successful efforts to signing of Treaty of Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, as a concerned citizen for peace.

Additionally, Mr. President, I will be celebrating my birthday a week after you, when I will be 79 years old. May God help me see that glorious day, when your earnest efforts and with your strong convincing encouragement of all the world leaders, the Treaty for Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons during your term as the President of the United States of America, will be signed.

May God guide you, protect you and help you accomplish your goal of bringing world peace and prosperity to our nation and all the people of this beautiful planet Earth through your extremely important strong leadership in achieving the signing of the historically significant Treaty for Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons.

with deepest respect and kindest regards,

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