We’ve got to get off a bottom line of hopelessness, no matter how good a case can be made for it.
What else is basic? We’ve got to get organized. With so many feeling fury, now is the time. And remember, we are the smart ones – real smart, not just money smart. Smart about life.
As abuse intensifies so does resistance, and there is a longing for direction for what to do. We were designed for being connected, in relationship. How about a coalition to hold everyone who is fiercely against everything the administration is doing? I can hear the collective sigh of relief that would come from people having something to be part of.
Then, how to steer that force? Lacking a way to do that is what dissolved OCCUPY. After hot and heavy widespread protesting against corporate money in politics, it couldn’t think. See last week’s post for ideas about that, like creating a Wisdom Council. I wish we already had the Suggestion Box that’s in my game plan. For now, use the comments for any you would submit.
Joining up in groups large and small being our mandate now, I’m working up an invite for the degrowth/collapse contingent, that’s got a lot of energy on informing us, to put heads together to come up with an ask for humanity so the least harm befalls us. It's all "ain't it awful," but then what? Here’s something clarifying from that world:
From Alan Urban Overshoot: Why It’s Already Too Late To Save Civilization (echoing Peter Russell, that I sent before):
“We must understand that collapse is not the fault of some malignant ‘other.’ Collapse is the inevitable result of overshoot, and overshoot is everybody’s fault. Yes, some people are more to blame than others, but unless you’ve lived your entire life off-the-grid and self-sufficient, you too have contributed to overshoot.
“We need to stop blaming each other and start working together. We need to create a culture based on sustainability instead of consumption, a culture where we care more about leaving things to our children than acquiring things for ourselves. We need to eliminate the idea that humans are separate from nature and remember that we are all part of nature.”
With the torpedoing of USAID, my vote is that Trump and Musk are the two worst human beings alive and I could see the possibility that this could sink them. Our discovery of the wonderful things we do around the world, that go unheralded so we didn’t know they existed, lets us feel real good about being Americans -- like we did, despite our flaws, before Trump sent us into Making Americans Hate. United in a zeitgeist of feeling good and wanting good, we’d get Trump defeated.
Where are you billionaires who have the power to reshape things? How can you behave so indifferently? It’s not even altruism that needs to be top of your list; it can be self-preservation. Serve yourselves and you lose your playing field. Instead, create a world where all you’d encounter would be loveliness.
Stratospherically rich people would start with thinking together. The subject is saving our species. Be the leaders we don’t have. You can do anything. Why aren’t you taking charge of our survival? You have ultimate power. You just filled humanity’s biggest job. Why are you silent now? How can you not preserve Earth? You have children. How about doing the most good as a new category to excel in? Go down in history as humanity’s saviors.
With Trump’s taste favoring the likes of Joe Rogan, whose stand-up routine is the hands-down winner of an f-word contest, hold the thought that Trump being chairman of the board of Lincoln Center, the world's leading performing arts center, will make people laugh at him instead of taking his presidency seriously.
A comment I’ve been making:
THE UTTERCRAP MONITOR could be a very public posting of every Trump lie, stupidity, grossness, self-service, and all his misspellings and ridiculous grammar to demonstrate how not-so-bright he is.
Take heart, there’s always a way:
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I was also shocked to discover all the wonderful things the USAID does around the world. I thought I was the only one who didn't know. Glad you are getting the word out.
What a lovely animated video! Beautiful.