I was also shocked to discover all the wonderful things the USAID does around the world. I thought I was the only one who didn't know. Glad you are getting the word out.

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I was shocked, too. It was so heartwarming! In many ways the U.S. has been the protector of the world, generously covering for poorer countries, and even enobling them to be in equal alliance with us. We also have screwed up so mightily that you could put together a shameful story of us -- but it wouldn't be the biggest story. We are learning. Evolution is in play. "The arc of history points toward justice" is a quote I've always resonated with.

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What a lovely animated video! Beautiful.

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I like your use of the words Utter Crap. They were the words immortalized by the Black Adder.

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I had to look that up: https://tenor.com/view/blackadder-utter-crap-gif-24860382. Have to see if the whole thing can be seen. I was concerned it was too gauche, but as their blackness escalated I threw caution to the wind.

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I think you are suggesting taking a leadership role in the opposition. I think that role must be earned. There is a lot of data about how to organize a movement and it's not an easy thing to do. Maybe the best thing to do now is to look at that data and see which existing organizations are most effective so we can put our resources where they are likely to do the most good.

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We each are mandated to do what we can. My heroes are people like Rosa Parks and Lady Godiva and Greta Thunberg and Harriet Tubman and Joan of Arc, and I haven't asked for anybody's resources to help me. Maybe I could inspire you to aim higher?????

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I imagine that anyone who has a great idea will attract followers, me included

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We must study what the Koreans just did with their out of control leader. If they can do it, we can do it.

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Use of "America" is not what you think.

Here is a very basic step:

Let's make a change to our language and call things what they are. A great place to begin is to refrain from referring to the USA as "America."


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You think? How about "America the Beautiful?" Let's not let the loveliness of that be stolen from us.

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I think we can stop blaming ourselves for climate collapse. That's been the agenda of the big polluters and the complicit media--to get the focus of of them. Not that our drop in the bucket isn't worthy; it just should not be our focus.

So far as USAID is concerned, I have been watching YouTubes saying that the whole thing was a CIA front to foment regime change, and nobody was really helped by it. I have no idea whether that's true, but it could be. Whether it helped others or whether it was a tool of the deep state, apparently it had to go because it would not obey Musk/trump.

Since the Democratic party is no help, I see no solution via the electoral process. Change most likely can only be effected by mass demonstrations and civil disobedience, which means we have to be willing to take the consequences.

I have also been watching YouTubes about UFOs, and wishing for extraterrestrial intervention to save us 😁

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Maybe have a say about the ideas I've put out? And I've been touting Peter Russell talking about not blaming ourselves for climate collapse,: https://substack.com/redirect/57f441f3-bc0c-4373-b840-a7fb73efa300?

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Both are true. The aid has been real and important, as have the political machinations to control other countries.

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Geoffrey -- The system isn't clear enough about original posts as distinguished from comments on what other people say, and it's not clear what this responds to...???

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But will mass demonstrations really change anything?

The common every-person of consumer society is a highly propagandized individual, participating in illusions and, effectively, self-destructing.

At present, a "culture" of total war, a "culture" of death is ruling, while the people are engrossed in self and other-destructive consumerism.

That "culture" has been created by TV which is the most powerful brain-washing propaganda vehicle ever invented. This reference provides an understanding of the situation


The Orange Oaf is an in-your-face-product of the body (and soul) snatching machine. And an expert at such body-and-soul snatching too.

He is the now-time message of the medium.

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Hey hey hey, that's the given. This Substack is Now What?

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It seems to me that the most successful efforts at social change have been brought about by non-violent civil disobedience (MLK, Gandhi, women's suffrage, labor strikes, boycotts, sit-ins, etc.). No guarantees that will work, but it seems the most promising tactic. In the long run, the masses are likely to side with the oppressed.

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Those things are tried and true and fine to continue, but these are unprecedented times and I'm for doing unprecedented things. I suggested a coup by us but no reaction. It's like it's invisible -- maybe too far beyond us lovely civilized people to be seen.

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