"The idea of radical hope which is being committed to making change even if you think the odds are against you." That seems like words to live by, and to follow. Thank you for sharing

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It's the old glass half-full. So many really sharp people deliver very intelligent, fact-based reports on how it's too late, but humanity is such a creative species, and even it we weren't our only chance is to look for how things can work. I don't even stop to think anymore about whether I agree with how rational and logical doomsayers are, because doomsaying isn't the track to be on.

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"A satisfying conversation is one in which you say things you have never said before" - cool thought!

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Glad you picked up on this. There's so much one-way delivery going on, where the case is made for how bad our situation is, and I'm always commenting about the next step being for smart analyzers to be in conversation with each other to go beyond sounding the alarm to coming up with new ideas for what to do.

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Trump is a symbol of what humans look like to other species.

There is already a cultural evolution going on. It is the Vegan movement and it is the fastest growing social justice movement in the world today. If you want to join the scheming for a Vegan world by 2026, please join us at https://climatehealers.org/v-cop

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Other species? Does he seem to them to be a stuffed animal toy?

I don't know about that, but I do know about vegan. If I ran the world, in the interest of saving it I'd make everyone be vegan. That could be the most impactful thing we could do to combat global warming. Short of everyone making that move, truth be told I do like my hamburgers.

One of my favorite essays, in my contest to come up with save the world ideas, had a vegan aspect: "The Power of Transparency," by Glen Merzer: https://suespeaks.org/the-power-of-transparency. I wish I could get it to Biden, where he'd be charmed by a stutterer saving the world. Anyone have his email?

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Indeed, that is a beautiful essay by Glen Merzer. Have you tried sending it to President Biden through the White House website https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ ?

I meant non-human animals in factory farms, zoos, circuses and medical experimentation facilities only see the selfish, greedy, arrogant and narcissistic side of humanity. When we consume hamburgers, we are enabling that side to flourish.

This is why the tag line at Climate Healers is "Transform yourself; Transform our world," as this greatest transformation in human history where we collectively implement the Vegan Rewilding solution to the ecological crisis, begins with self transformation, self healing.

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I hadn't. Hmmm. Hard to imagine getting attention, but hey, worth a shot!

What I'd add to the hamburger track is how my focus is on what could change things quickly given the danger we're in, and vegan doesn't fit that parameter. I like dealing with food -- I wrote a cookbook -- and since my little sacrifice wouldn't make a significant impact I'm going to let that pleasure in my life win out.

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Dear Suzanne,

You said, "If I ran the world, in the interest of saving it I'd make everyone be vegan," and

"since my little sacrifice wouldn't make a significant impact I'm going to let that pleasure in my life win out."

Please don't sell yourself short. You have tremendous influence and power and your going Vegan will have a huge impact in the world.

My best wishes to you, always!

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"[...]A crisis is an opportunity for change but the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around…"

How many rooftops I would like to yell this from. Collectively we seem to believe we're headed for 'the big cliff' but I don't see many people making very convincing attempts to brace for impact. I see little attempt at handwaving crisis away, just an intimation that the crisis at our destination will be smaller or less profound than every scientist globally seem to predict they will be.

Ideas are precisely what we need. Visions for new futures. How can we hold our values better or more wholly? How can we embody in our society the collective desires of humanity? There must be ways to reconcile rational futures with the reality of humans as consumptive without the careening locomotion of consumption a be-all-end all in our collective story.

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I'm with you. I've been convinced by people who are steeped in the reality of our situation that there aren't ways that have been offered that would get us off "the careening locomotion of consumption a be-all-end-all in our collective story." So, now what? The only thing that make sense to me is that looking for ways to proceed is THE move to make for people who are well-informed and visionary! We need to come out of our separation to tune back into the relational nature of how we evolved to come up with where to from here.

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