This isn’t ordinary writing.
In the late ‘80s I spent three months where first thing in the morning I grabbed my pen. I gave no thought to it. I took dictation. The Intelligence turned out to be telling me what’s going on in the world and what I’m supposed to be doing about it.
On occasion I check back in.
My next to last check-in, 1/10/22:
Good to hear from you, Suzanne, after so long. You talk about us all the time but you don’t engage us. Like when your pal bent the big spoon, and even though you’d watched him it still scared you to step into that energy field to try to do it yourself. Isn’t it astonishing, that dance between something you agree with intellectually and an energy you experience? Are you afraid of ours?
People have to look at the misery on earth and first-things-first they need to tend to it. Get everyone stable. Clear heads for thinking about the common good. And is there ever a lot to think about – even after providing food, shelter, education, and health care for everyone in the civilized world, which is the primary step to take.
Picture a charismatic person delivering fireside chats to the human family, uniting and inspiring everyone. Making such bottom-line sense that billionaires get in huddles to see what they can do and CEOs come out with manifestos rescinding the primacy of shareholder value.
Then, get the wisest people in a Council. Let’s say Oprah volunteers to start. She picks one more. Then the two of them pick the third and so on till the group decides to seal itself. The question is what they would do if they ran the world. All the while, have a Suggestion Box that’s open to everyone.
Suzanne, here are a few things, to get it started, to put into that Box:
Get everyone into an 8-person circle of trust.
Look at Norway’s prison system for coming from the heart and serving the greater good.
Political commercials have to be only candidates talking -- of course with public funding.
So much needs to be created, but you are a brainy species and take heart from how rapidly changes have occurred. Women’s Lib was in your lifetime, Suzanne! Massive change can happen in minimum time. But there needs to be a common focus, an agreement on where you want to go. Keep working on that, Suzanne. Get everyone clear that your mutuality is the master objective.
Just think of a world where kindness prevails. It is so sweet. You are taken care of by each other. You drop more and more barriers to your oneness. Get in your heads the picture of what can be and do everything you can until it becomes the new reality.
The most recent check-in, 5/17/22:
You are floundering now, stuck in the unworkability of the world, with regressive forces preventing forward motion. People need an orientation to progress. Try this. Put Utopia as the endpoint. It’s where humanity is working together, each person a caring part of the whole. It’s all creation, no destruction.
The shame you humans feel about what you did in your past and your proclivity to deny that, like removing information from school curriculums, would be ameliorated by everyone understanding your remarkable species has been evolving, fleshing out its potential. That’s the story to be aware of. Humanity is working its way towards what it can be. As Marianne Williamson said, “Out of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence, 41 of them were slaveowners; even, of course, the Declaration’s author. So, from the very beginning, ensconced in our national DNA, there has been a deep dichotomy between who we are and who we say we are. It has been with us from the beginning; that as a people we are dedicated to the most enlightened principles yet imbued with forces that are more than willing to transgress against them.”
You could say, “have been willing” to transgress against them because it’s time to supersede your ignorance. You need all the wisdom you can muster to love your Constitution for its ideals and not be held back by its inability to totally guide you in how to express them. Massive moves have been made on the way to the realization of your potential. You don’t own black people anymore. Nor would you think it’s heroic to exterminate Indians. Rather than denying your past, acknowledge the evolutionary process humanity is in. There wasn’t even electricity when your Constitution was written, and you can’t pin your actions now on its literal contents.
Rather than your “Star-Spangled Banner,” which sings your praises, how about an anthem that would express your hopes? How’s this, from “Paint Your Wagon,” a show about settling the West that Suzanne loved years ago on Broadway?
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