Huge congratulations, and I look forward to next year's updates on how the projects are going!! (kidding not kidding?)

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You know what they say -- from your lips to god's ear!

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If, Melissa, we all push together, give support, then there will be a flood of projects

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Which one(s) are you excited about working on?

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Thinking about it, I'd have to find which it is, but most logically it would be one where this contest and my ideas for changing the world were woven through it. That gives something that could be worked with, where the contest morphs into the wisdom to really impact the world. I'm glad you asked. That may be a good idea. I'll check out the essay.

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Great contest. All winners! Let's continue to write and speak a beauty-filled world into reality!

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We Have to Stuart, we must....

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Congratulations to the winners, a big vote of thanks to all who have become involved in this wonderful challenge of Suzanne's. We have a catalyst. We have a duty to ensure we progress to a healed and happy world. I wonder what's next ? Whaddaya think Good People ?

But first things first.... RESTACK !! Get the words out there. Maurice

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"Get the words out there. Maurice" seems like you're cheering yourself on. I second that!!! You deliver!

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Many congratulations to the winners 🎉 and all who are doing great work to protect our Mother Earth 🥂

Let's celebrate every step in the right direction.🎈 And thank you, Suzanne, for continuing to bring this important topic into the spotlight. 💕🙏

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Every step that we forge together, daily. This thing got legs, our legs, see you on the Boulevard

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That was such an inspiring contest! Yes, let's unite our ideas, visions and the power of our communities. How can we change the world?! Such a challenging question. It was a delight to read the 20 finalists and their amazing stories. My story is based on a real project, which I have been implementing in my city since about a year. The vision of the Circularity Club has taken form and is no longer something in my head, but a real place with real people and a true energy to reinvent our world.

Our journey at 2ndish - The Circularity Club has just begun, and I will need all the support, cheers and collective creativity to establish my vision. Follow my journey towards a new fashion ecosystem on Instagram (@2ndish) or connect with me on LinkedIn (Marie-Lune Simard) to see how we're making a difference. Let's join forces and build a new world where our economic system serves both the people and the environment.

lots of love


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It was a daunting task to select the 5 winners and hats off to people who did it and gave you the #1 prize. There's so much food for thought on the table now that's it's also daunting to keep moving ahead. However, something that's in play gives us handles to grapple with, so let's tune into what you are accomplishing, Marie-Lune (tell us about that unusual first name?). And do keep reporting back on how it goes to best help us to help you.

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Congratulations to all the winners in this fabulously well conceived essay competition. You have set the doves flying, Suzanne. Let's fly with the ideas to make them a reality.

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Wow. Congratulations to all the winners. I do hope to see the unfolding of these projects and maybe even some co-creation. Best of luck to the winners and also everyone else that put their heartbeats into this.

My entry was the number 2 on the list. The Untold Tale of how we came to Collaborate (or something like that, I can't quite remember, ;P)

It's been wonderful to get to meet some new folks and hear about heart-mind-felt initiatives. If people resonated with some of my vision, shared on my essay, the good news is that is is already slowly happening. If you subscribe to C-Lab (https://theclab.substack.com/p/start-here) you will be helping get the lab out into the world. My hope is to create resources for all ages and communities free of charge so people can just re-member how to live in alignment with the rhythm of life (and death). The menstrual cycle being an important rhythm to remember. I'm all about collaboration so reach out! :-)

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"The Merge. The untold tale of when true collaboration became possible." It got my GREAT mark. It was so well-developed along the lines of others where one circle spreads, but it's also in the Odd category, along with Jonathan Harris burning money, for keying the move into collaboration coming from attunement to the menstrual cycle. It made fascinating sense and I liked find out things about our natural rhythm that I didn't know. I just subscribed!

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Thank you Suzanne. I appreciate your support and feedback. It does mean a lot since I have often felt like I was moving on the opposite side of the current. BUT i do feel that now, surprisingly, it seems like I am starting to ‘float’ with the current and it feels so lovely. ❤️☺️

I see that you are a writer. Maybe you and some others would be open to having a look at some of my chapters once they are written. This is for a book I’m working on. Im also very welcoming of suggestions on what ways to communicate this that makes more sense to people and is helpful in their lives. 🌕🌖🌗🌑

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Share in a comment when ready, so writer types can have a look. I love you calling me a writer. I dabble in many things and haven't become a prize winner in any of them. Although I love to write, I had this funny feeling of who am I to be an authority on writing as I passed my critiques along to each essay writer, so you calling me a writer is music to my ears.

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Tks for subscribing!

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If anyone wants to put the winning idea into action, they should get in touch with the Re-Action Collective, who are doing something very similar very well (currently focusing on outdoor clothing & kit specifically). The founder (Gavin Fernie-Jones) even lives in the mountains... Here's the link: https://re-action-collective.org/

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Nice one Paddy, erm... anyone else have such useful links to share. Send me please. Maurice

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Thanks Maurice. I know loads of good organisations. Here's an article about tool libraries, extracted from my book: https://paddyleflufy.substack.com/p/its-time-for-tool-libraries-to-go

That article is from my book, Building Tomorrow: Averting Environmental Crisis With a New Economic System, which is full of such examples and has got very positively reviewed, including being recommended in the Financial Times and described by Jeremy Lent as 'a book that truly helps us identify and travel the pathways of deep transformation toward an ecological civilisation'. My approach was to use real-world exemplars to show how such things can be done well and encourage more people to do similar things, so it's full of clearly explained examples.

The paperback is available on Amazon and the PDF is available on a pay-as-you-please basis. The PDF page doesn't have more info about the book, but the Amazon page does, as does the review linked below.

Amazon link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Building-Tomorrow-Averting-Environmental-Economic/dp/1739345207/

Pay-as-you-please link: https://ko-fi.com/s/260585ff4f

A review on Resilience website: https://www.resilience.org/stories/2023-10-30/review-building-tomorrow-by-paddy-le-flufy/

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Whoop whoop!!!! Congrats to all the winners!!

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Endorsed... Fully !!

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Congratulations to the winners. Thanks to Suzanne.

This is my entry. I probably should have titled it 'Burn your Money to Save the World'


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Good job on this scary subject, burning money as protest. It sends me into a tailspin -- can't get a grip on whether it's a hot stuff good idea or belongs with the Proud Boys. Any thoughts?

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Zoom gatherings for each of the winners.

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H Paddy, thanks or the links - I am busy contacting authors and grass roots groups, inc Gavin. I'll be promoting you + Gonna order your book PDF, buy you four hours next week. I won't go anywhere near Amazon - they are part of the problem. Success, Maurice

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Awesome, thanks very much and it's great to hear you are getting straight into action too!

And I totally agree re Amazon - I only use them because it's the only realistic option (along with Ingram Spark, who supply other online retailers, and are just as bad).

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Hot tip, possibly excepting for authors who make nothing on the secondary market. Here's where you can find all books at their cheapest secondary selling price: https://bookfinder.com.

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Currently busy contacting, authors and grassroot initiatives to further our ambition.

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Hi Paddy, just sent you four hours. Looking forward to reading your PDF.

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This was fun to read. Were you aware that two of the winners are engaged to each other? Curious if that’s just random or how you explain that coincidence… fun to read!

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Clue me in. How intriguing.

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Hi Folks,

Take a look at my essay titled "The Consumer Revolution That Saved Humankind". https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zeswAk-8KPq8GrWw6jpjkj-FlF7YSHCGlRHFgPb6ISo/edit?usp=drivesdk

The essay centers on the real-world personal action that will save humankind from unprecedented increased suffering due to global warming. Some of you already are onboard with this action. For those of you who are not, hopefully you will be inspired to be onboard going forward. Choose your legacy to be that you were the solution, rather than the problem - you minimized, rather than continued, your greenhouse gas emissions. For all, take action yourself, and (ever so important) tenaciously encourage others to do the same.

Here is the required action as described in the essay.

Consumers (individuals, organizations, businesses, governments) must promptly minimize their greenhouse gas emissions to bridge the gap while we work on long-term green technology and infrastructure. Less heating and less cooling (none between 13C-30C/55F-85F, https://greenbetween.home.blog). Less driving. Less flying. Less meat-eating. Less population growth (2 children max). Do it yourself. Tenaciously encourage others to do it.

Embrace the message and tenaciously introduce the message "business card" to all you encounter. You can print the business card 12 per 8.5x11 using a file from the Promote page of the website.

Be a climate superhero - take it to the next level. Promote the message at local events. Files for posters are available on the Promote page of the website.

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This was what I wrote to Don:

I liked reading that cozy story but it’s more of a fairy tale. It didn’t seem like what would get this complex, dense world to change its ways. People ignore global warming and I don’t think informing them of it is what’s necessary. What would move them? The contest is a chance to apply your imagination to what could impact the world. Get “real” about what could do it so it’s not pie in the sky but what actually could make impact.

Any thoughts?

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Suzanne and I have discussed this at some length. Very briefly, my core response was the path for the essay scenario being reality rather than a fairy tale hangs on leaders embracing the message, and in doing so inspiring their mass of followers to move, through strength in numbers, the general population to embrace the message. That's the stuff that makes for successful revolutions.

Folks, in the big picture, the essay details are of little importance. See the essay as simply another attempt to move more folks onboard saving humankind from unprecedented increased suffering due to global warming - onboard promptly minimizing their greenhouse gas emissions and tenaciously encouraging others to do the same - onboard creating their legacy of being the solution rather than the problem.

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The contest was to present a scenario that shows how things worked out -- not just things that would be good if they worked out, which is what a lot of the essays I took issue with did. That goes along with your definition of the purpose of the essay contest not matching what its purpose was.

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