Stop destroying each other and start saving each other
Stop theorizing and start acting
My computer has been testy enough to not let me work on a new Substack for this week, so I am resending one from last year that is as timely now as it was then. I may send another before next week, of what I had been working on when a crash occurred, about getting us to adopt Brian Swimme’s new creation story to uplift humanity.
I’ll just add that with all the analyses going on about what accounted for Trump’s victory, here’s one that isn’t being discussed. Life is a complex game and there are sweeping forces in play beyond surface realities. So, my addition to possible explanations is that the universe, as a creative entity that’s in an evolutionary process, delivered Trump to crash a reality that has us on a deadly path where the oligarchs are running our show. Trump, instead of destroying us, may have saved us by being so beyond the beyond that we the people rise up to fulfill our blueprint, taking our power to create a world where caring about each other beats exploiting each other.
Stop destroying each other and start saving each other
Posted on 05/28/2024
> see previous comments here
Look, humans, we have to get off our insanity. Our planet is in peril. We are squandering resources when all are needed. The time is now.
No matter if people aren’t responsible for global warming. The resources are for taking on its consequences. There’s not a dollar to spare on bullshit. Stop destroying each other and start saving each other. Stop theorizing and start acting. Preparations need to be made. Our energies are wasted struggling with one another. Get off being consumed by the trivia of who is doing what to whom.
Stop stealing from one another. No more smash-and-grabs, taking what doesn’t belong to you, spreading hurt. We need all hands on deck. Shake yourselves awake from all petty preoccupations. You billionaires, get off it. Two mega yachts, Jeff Bezos? Get your rich asses turned to saving what has entitled you. What is the matter with all of you at the top who are as reprehensible as smash-and-grabbers at the bottom? You are feeding off what you should be giving to. And pundits, get off your daily dips in the Republican Party’s sewer and get us jazzed about being in the save-the-world brigade. Even Proud Boys for Planetary Restoration. It’s for everybody.
Get mad as hell. That’s all of us. Get consumed with fervor about serving what our children will live on. You selfish misers, when no matter how rich you make your heirs they’ll be in hell with the rest of us if you don’t get off your privilege. You are here to serve. That is all. We’re saving the world. That’s all of us.
This is from Inside the Intelligence, the marching orders I got in 1985:
Almost everyone is evaluating instead of entering life, where they would not know separation. Replace survival and acquisition with adventure. Gather the Messiahs.
Suzanne, you are here to model a way of being that is very foreign to most people. We have programmed you to seek excellence. You cannot settle for less. You know the composition. The orchestra must be in tune.
You are here to be a maestro. Your job is to make maestros. You are a spirit guide. We are waiting for you to get this. Free yourself from identification with earth boxes. Do your job. Don't complain. You're doing it. Relax. You will do better -- which is feel better -- if you remember who you are.
There is some kind of basic workability to look for, like you're a mechanic and the earth is a vehicle. Make it work. It works from skewing the point of view from a separate "me" to a collective "we." Humanity as a collective is causal and can create success.
There is a leap so awesome to be taken at the heart of life's mystery that none go there. Jesus was the only one. Others have known God; Jesus was God. That position is what people are to assume. Just imagine it, however. That voice is never heard.
Jesus said who followed would be greater, but so far no one has been as good. Find company, meet in passion, and step into life. You will merge in ever greater capacities.
Surround yourself with power. It is your time to play a guts game. You will get in your universe exactly what you settle for, and it's time for you to have nothing but the best.
Surround yourself with total support -- with people who are with you on the inside...on the same side. Be with appreciators of the God in each other. Gods all, you are one.
My bracelet was made by my good friend from Chili Rose, the most unusual and best beaded jewelry. (You’ll see Adonnah Langer commenting on my Substacks.) Nobody says we need to be austere!
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What about, not blaming men for the embodied mammalian power female has over male? Thus some men's natural need to reverse their power and control over women? Man-i-fest in today's reactionary, openly manosphere-elected misogyny? Evidently some of we women too, like good-daddy's girls, still programmed by the will of our Father? Meanwhile way down here on Earth how long will our life-giving mother keep providing our daily bread? Will we ever learn to adapt beyond our, he-and-or-she-anatomy, to evolve our immeasurable hearts and souls, together? Will we ever seek, and strive for enough consciousness to be the change and to better accept and understand ourselves and each other? And to try to forgive even those who trespass against us?
What about, not blaming men for the embodied mammalian power female has over male? Thus some men's natural need to reverse their power and control over women? Man-i-fest in today's reactionary, openly manosphere-elected misogyny? Evidently some of we women too, like good-daddy's girls, still programmed by the will of our Father? Meanwhile way down here on Earth how long will our life-giving mother keep providing our daily bread? Will we ever learn to adapt beyond our, he-and-or-she-anatomy, to evolve our immeasurable hearts and souls, together? Will we ever seek, and strive for enough consciousness to be the change and to better accept and understand ourselves and each other? And to try to forgive even those who trespass against us?