Okay, rabble rousers that I hope you are, how about this?
With your goose being cooked, this is to suggest a way out of the consequences of convictions you are in line to get. You have so far been astute enough to stay out of such peril and now you can take a turn that will keep you being the smartest guy in the room.
The suggestion is you cut a deal. What you’d have to do is to cop to all the lies you have told. In order to call off your supporters, who would have to be left with nothing to support, you would have to convince them how wise their cooperation would be in order to really make this country great. And you’d assure everyone you wouldn’t run for any office again.
The absolute requirement is that you be convincing. Be moved enough by the chance to lead a normal life to be humble enough to go all the way to deserve this deal. You’d have to throw in the towel and put on the greatest performance you ever have delivered. This challenge, to react opposite to how you have been before, could be met by you with relish as an opportunity to continue to come out a winner.
If you were convincing enough to change the oppositional dynamic in the United States, then all you’d need to do is pay up every place you owe money. That would exclude the United States where you could use the money your presidency let your family make go toward paying off your debts. Then, you would be free. All litigations would cease with no convictions.
There’s one wild thing you could do. You could show that the Trump we know was a character – like Pee-wee Herman. The real Trump, who played the braggart for fun, in private is a kind of loving trickster who even spells well, and was just doing what most others do these days, trying to make profit. You could start that speech by combing out or taking off your hair. That delivery would blow everyone’s mind and make you the subject of interest the likes of which nothing probably ever has been before. Omg, the shock of that performance would clear the air for a fresh start for everyone.
If you let us avoid all the twistedness in litigation and bad feelings that we had to look forward to, and you saveus from the divisiveness created by an extremist contingent in the United States that revealed itself when you came along, you could go down in history as a hero. If not for your surprising handling of your affairs, those hostile elements could have undermined the existence of our union. So, take courage to do the biggest perpetration of your perpetrationary career by thinking of history. Trump was a contentious figure who finally was almost worshipped for how he got the country past an antagonism that had threatened its union. We only are the united United States since Donald Trump bonded us.
Say yes, start writing your speech, and let’s see if America will cut you that deal.
Have a say if anyone can make this better!
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