Love your passion and creativity. It’s a welcome break from living in that pot of boiling frogs, now with a lid on it! Despite the heat, I continue to believe that the way to fix a culture that’s gone rotten is to study the why behind it. Understanding how we got here brings one to the road that takes you out.
I’ve been developing a series of lessons on this topic to share at my Substack. I had not intended to write. I joined to read and learn. I figured my book was enough.
I recently decided it wasn’t enough because people don’t get why they need to read my book. It is filled with important lessons. So here’s one of these lessons in response to your craving for a thoughtful culture.
We’re lost in a maze due to corrupt schools that failed to produce citizens and instead produced power seekers. We, the old people, were educated properly. We think like citizens but we’re stuck in a world that thinks like - I take that back. They don’t think. They climb through life. And they think they can climb over Trump - so why not!
The movie world had their Harvey Weinstein, who forced sex on his underlings. The education world has their fascists, who force stupidity and superficiality on theirs. That’s what paved the way for Trump.
Read my book A Graver Danger: White Chalk Crime, The Stunning First-Ever Explanation for School Shootings & How We End Them which will soon be published internationally as How America Got Trumped: An Eye-Opening Journey into America’s Democracy-Destroying Education System and you’ll know the source of the evil that’s upon us. You’ll also understand that I used school shootings in the title to get a book about how we lost democracy read in the US. It was an important chapter, but only 5% of my book. Yet, these shootings are the warning that something’s amiss in our schools.
I taught at these schools. I knew that our schools had made an understanding and love for democracy obsolete. But keeping their child alive might get them to read a deep book.
We were never a “we’re all in this together” people. We’re a bell curve ranging from that to a “grab what you can before they do” people. Our schools used to sway us to the former. When that stopped, decades ago, evil slowly took the lead.
I do not believe we can accomplish what our schools failed and are still failing to accomplish without first knowing what they did to our culture. That knowing is the way out of this maze of evil.
That’s why listening to a teacher explain what has happened to our schools may be your first light out of this darkness. And I priced my ebook as low as I could so that its light can do that.
I'm always right with you on a fundamental that needs rethinking, without which we can't get to a world running on humane ideals instead of economic ones. As we keep turning out mechanics in a soulless gestalt, we get what we've got. And, as you know, my focus is on a change of heart by humanity whereby we'd create the right education -- and asap as we go deeper into dysfunction all the time. About the book, is there a paragraph that gives the essence?
A Graver Danger is a called to teach teacher’s memoir filled with scandalous stories shared to expose many of our schools’ utter dysfunction that has taken down our democracy along with her vision for schools that would turn this country around. Since education is indeed the deep state that has so many craving a strongman, putting the never-before-revealed information in this book into the hands of a worthy leader will save democracy. Education has become a dumb state and this book has the cure.
And this might help you understand me better. The title foreshadows my purpose. My maiden name was Karen Graver and I wrote it intending to endanger the fascists that now run most of our schools. If we don’t root out where fascism took hold, we will never have the country people like us want.
Yay to recognition of bravely and wisely and old! And for a woman Suzanne! In a world where our femininity has been feared for so long and where today, so many men now too, are paying the price for how patriarchy discounts the unquantifiable qualities of our hearts and souls. Perhaps as the stardust we all are, more suffering together will help save life here on Earth.
Breakdown preceding breakthrough is scary now where breakdown can be apocalyptic. Cross fingers that this time we get there along a different route.
Back to the feminist idea, I liked how if Marianne Willliamson had come through our President would be a Jewish woman -- and there was something happily rebellious in her never having gone to college!
There are many people trying to change the world for the better. I see them on podcasts on YouTube, which seems to be a main way for non-Establishment people to reach big audiences. There are organizers right now for the Women's March, and for all kinds of interest groups and charities. The frustrating thing right now is that the forces for evil seem to be advancing faster than the forces for good. What we know from history (MLK, Gandhi, Mandela, etc.) is that what has been successful in bringing about social change is non-violent resistance. Maybe people have to be willing to put their bodies on the line. Maybe all the podcasts, groups, and your newsletter will prepare people to do that.
Thank goodness there are more people who'd like the world we want than the one we've got, but there's no organization to make massive change happen. No leadership, no voice, all gadflies. Hopefully, as you suggest, the press of truth and love will be so strong it will overcome the ignorance we're caught in and we'll be in the new reality.
I think many people were hoping that the Democratic Party would do something. As we give up on that hope, it may start dawning on people that they will have to do it themselves.
We are so leaderless that it makes me think that could be part of the divine plan. From kings, to religions, to democracy, to gurus, to spiritual masters, now no one, maybe because it's time to take salvation on to ourselves.
Protests Against Trump and Project 2025 Are Planned in Cities Across the US
Excerpt: "A movement to oppose the early actions of President Donald Trump’s administration is taking off online, with plans to protest across the U.S. on Wednesday."
Suzanne can you remember a long-ago conversation with me. I told You I had a huge new GHG reducing discovery? I mentioned I had been repeatedly tested for over 13 years to U.S. EPA Emission STANDARDS. Always successful in meeting and excelling their emissions standards. I repeat my initially outrageously seeming claims. Please contact me offline if You want cleaner air.
Thanks Suzanne, for your partial acknowledgement of my comment.
We are the instruments for ‘uniting the material with the spiritual’ in the family-of-humanity, regardless of age or the appearance of things.
Furthering this realisation of our life-purpose, let’s also understand what it is that alone delays our natural maturing-process.
One of the most destructive illusions of self-centredness, is the human-mind’s idea of being (or getting) old. Medical-science confirms the cells of our physical-forms are regenerated every seven years.
Restoring our human-consciousness, to true-self-awareness, we need it to know what is changing, and what is changeless. Our physical-form is constantly changing, being replenished, and renewed by intelligent-life, while our true-identity – our being, the One who dwells within -- is unchanging.
In any case, our physical-form – a living-miracle by any standards – is made new every seven years. We know this is true by the fact that our younger bodies are passed-away as our present bodies are being renewed. However, dwelling in self-centredness, consequently causes the body to age according to belief.
Fortunately, false-belief doesn’t age our being; thank God!
Again, what’s needed, is to let intelligent-life – in season -- complete the job of finishing our personal maturing-process, so that our triune-capacity of mind, emotional-realm, and body, can fulfil their life-purpose, as designed and ordained.
By interfacing heaven (above), and earth (below), divine-dominion has the means, the control-mechanism of collective humanity (us), to fill our worlds with heavenly-blessings.
What I’ve said previously bears reiteration, since it’s either not been understood, or seems too far removed from self-centredness, which is the cause of mankind’s ignorance of our life-purpose. To come out of self-centredness, which is cute in kids, but grotesque in grown-ups, takes maturity at any age.
Were we not conditioned – during our childhood formative years, before our unadulterated child-mind attains its wisdom-teeth of logic-and-reason; i.e., the ability of: ‘learning to think creatively’ – by education, so obviously committed in seducing us to: ‘seek happiness’, instead of bringing it, then we would mature naturally.
As you wisely say: ‘It will come from a collective “aha” that throws humanity’s switch from being selfish to being cooperative.’ However, the ‘switch’ mustn’t be allowed to stop (be arrested by self-centredness), to a point of higher-selfishness of cooperating with others likewise-conditioned. That been tried ad-nauseum for millennia!
What’s needed, is to allow intelligent-life to complete the job of finishing our individual maturing-process, so that our miraculous capacity-of-mind, designed and ordained to interface with life-purpose (above), and our world (below), so that divine-dominion is enabled to fill our worlds with heavenly-blessings. Does that make sense?
It does make sense that it's an evolving universe where humanity's realization would be to get to where it operates like a family.
It made me think of a contest for the best description of the master game for humanity. Just working from yours: What's needed is to speed up our individual maturing process so we are the instruments for uniting the material with the spiritual in the family humanity needs to become.
When I saw the title of this post, it reminded me of some thoughts I've been having recently about the title subject. It's begun to dawn on me that "saving the world" is a highly emotional phrase. It's tempting to believe that most other people would think like us if only they had the same information. However, people definitely place priorities in different orders and sometimes with stark gaps between those priorities. Some recent election results around the world show that, generally, people are most concerned with what is happening to them now and how they view the next year or few. Long term environmental health (which itself is a subjective assessment) is not something that concerns most voters, or even most people (despite a vocal minority suggesting otherwise).
At an objective level, the world doesn't need saving. It will be here long after humans, and many other species, go extinct. It would be nice to maintain or increase biodiversity, to avoid the loss of various systems and features (e.g. glaciers), especially where such loss would impact our lives, either physically or emotionally. But this is an emotional target. There is no objective reason for reaching it.
These, to me, are worrying thoughts because, from recent evidence, as mentioned above, most people seem to be much more concerned with maintaining modernity/civilisation and improving their own standard of living within it, than some nebulous objective that might impact some future generation (even if that view is misguided, in terms of the immediacy of impacts).
There is surely much more to say on this as I continue to mull it over. If this does spark a thread, apologies for not being able to engage for a few weeks, as I begin a (within country) two week vacation.
What you've reviewed is the given that needs to get attention given the precariousness of humanity's position. Saving the world, that's really meant to be saving humanity, is the serious concern we're not taking seriously, so what to do?
Does acting lawfully and losing our country make sense?…you ask.
When lawyers are willing to sabotage the laws of our country with delays and appeals that lack?…what word here?…”merit” maybe, the answer to your ending question is playing out in real time.
I’ve never really understood how lawyers account for their defense of defendants they believe are guilty. I guess everyone is not cut out to be a lawyer.
My dad was an eminent one, president of his Bar Association, and when he died they closed all the courthouses in our county for half a day in his honor....and I never understood that either!
I was talking about the law, like no coups. But wait, what to do when evil takes over and laws are not being obeyed by our adversaries? The Democrats' law-abiding nature does seem like it gives us a winning strategy.
Is our fear of fascism a red herring? It would be if and only if the term is bandied about recklessly which would water down the historical content and meaning of what fascism is. So rather than using the term to identify specific behavior, talk about the behavior’s impact without naming it. It might seem appropriate to compare a current behavior with an historic event, but even that could focus on the label without addressing the issue. All too often we as humans rely on our patterned conditioning without actually thinking.
Plenty of fascistic thinking is going on, but there are too many of us for America to become a fascist country, and rather than deal with that turn attention to the oligarchs taking over. That's the real threat to us.
Love your passion and creativity. It’s a welcome break from living in that pot of boiling frogs, now with a lid on it! Despite the heat, I continue to believe that the way to fix a culture that’s gone rotten is to study the why behind it. Understanding how we got here brings one to the road that takes you out.
I’ve been developing a series of lessons on this topic to share at my Substack. I had not intended to write. I joined to read and learn. I figured my book was enough.
I recently decided it wasn’t enough because people don’t get why they need to read my book. It is filled with important lessons. So here’s one of these lessons in response to your craving for a thoughtful culture.
We’re lost in a maze due to corrupt schools that failed to produce citizens and instead produced power seekers. We, the old people, were educated properly. We think like citizens but we’re stuck in a world that thinks like - I take that back. They don’t think. They climb through life. And they think they can climb over Trump - so why not!
The movie world had their Harvey Weinstein, who forced sex on his underlings. The education world has their fascists, who force stupidity and superficiality on theirs. That’s what paved the way for Trump.
Read my book A Graver Danger: White Chalk Crime, The Stunning First-Ever Explanation for School Shootings & How We End Them which will soon be published internationally as How America Got Trumped: An Eye-Opening Journey into America’s Democracy-Destroying Education System and you’ll know the source of the evil that’s upon us. You’ll also understand that I used school shootings in the title to get a book about how we lost democracy read in the US. It was an important chapter, but only 5% of my book. Yet, these shootings are the warning that something’s amiss in our schools.
I taught at these schools. I knew that our schools had made an understanding and love for democracy obsolete. But keeping their child alive might get them to read a deep book.
We were never a “we’re all in this together” people. We’re a bell curve ranging from that to a “grab what you can before they do” people. Our schools used to sway us to the former. When that stopped, decades ago, evil slowly took the lead.
I do not believe we can accomplish what our schools failed and are still failing to accomplish without first knowing what they did to our culture. That knowing is the way out of this maze of evil.
That’s why listening to a teacher explain what has happened to our schools may be your first light out of this darkness. And I priced my ebook as low as I could so that its light can do that.
I'm always right with you on a fundamental that needs rethinking, without which we can't get to a world running on humane ideals instead of economic ones. As we keep turning out mechanics in a soulless gestalt, we get what we've got. And, as you know, my focus is on a change of heart by humanity whereby we'd create the right education -- and asap as we go deeper into dysfunction all the time. About the book, is there a paragraph that gives the essence?
A Graver Danger is a called to teach teacher’s memoir filled with scandalous stories shared to expose many of our schools’ utter dysfunction that has taken down our democracy along with her vision for schools that would turn this country around. Since education is indeed the deep state that has so many craving a strongman, putting the never-before-revealed information in this book into the hands of a worthy leader will save democracy. Education has become a dumb state and this book has the cure.
And this might help you understand me better. The title foreshadows my purpose. My maiden name was Karen Graver and I wrote it intending to endanger the fascists that now run most of our schools. If we don’t root out where fascism took hold, we will never have the country people like us want.
Yay to recognition of bravely and wisely and old! And for a woman Suzanne! In a world where our femininity has been feared for so long and where today, so many men now too, are paying the price for how patriarchy discounts the unquantifiable qualities of our hearts and souls. Perhaps as the stardust we all are, more suffering together will help save life here on Earth.
Breakdown preceding breakthrough is scary now where breakdown can be apocalyptic. Cross fingers that this time we get there along a different route.
Back to the feminist idea, I liked how if Marianne Willliamson had come through our President would be a Jewish woman -- and there was something happily rebellious in her never having gone to college!
A cat Lady for sure
There are many people trying to change the world for the better. I see them on podcasts on YouTube, which seems to be a main way for non-Establishment people to reach big audiences. There are organizers right now for the Women's March, and for all kinds of interest groups and charities. The frustrating thing right now is that the forces for evil seem to be advancing faster than the forces for good. What we know from history (MLK, Gandhi, Mandela, etc.) is that what has been successful in bringing about social change is non-violent resistance. Maybe people have to be willing to put their bodies on the line. Maybe all the podcasts, groups, and your newsletter will prepare people to do that.
Thank goodness there are more people who'd like the world we want than the one we've got, but there's no organization to make massive change happen. No leadership, no voice, all gadflies. Hopefully, as you suggest, the press of truth and love will be so strong it will overcome the ignorance we're caught in and we'll be in the new reality.
I think many people were hoping that the Democratic Party would do something. As we give up on that hope, it may start dawning on people that they will have to do it themselves.
We are so leaderless that it makes me think that could be part of the divine plan. From kings, to religions, to democracy, to gurus, to spiritual masters, now no one, maybe because it's time to take salvation on to ourselves.
Lotta protests to participate in:
Protests Against Trump and Project 2025 Are Planned in Cities Across the US
Excerpt: "A movement to oppose the early actions of President Donald Trump’s administration is taking off online, with plans to protest across the U.S. on Wednesday."
Suzanne can you remember a long-ago conversation with me. I told You I had a huge new GHG reducing discovery? I mentioned I had been repeatedly tested for over 13 years to U.S. EPA Emission STANDARDS. Always successful in meeting and excelling their emissions standards. I repeat my initially outrageously seeming claims. Please contact me offline if You want cleaner air.
Thanks Suzanne, for your partial acknowledgement of my comment.
We are the instruments for ‘uniting the material with the spiritual’ in the family-of-humanity, regardless of age or the appearance of things.
Furthering this realisation of our life-purpose, let’s also understand what it is that alone delays our natural maturing-process.
One of the most destructive illusions of self-centredness, is the human-mind’s idea of being (or getting) old. Medical-science confirms the cells of our physical-forms are regenerated every seven years.
Restoring our human-consciousness, to true-self-awareness, we need it to know what is changing, and what is changeless. Our physical-form is constantly changing, being replenished, and renewed by intelligent-life, while our true-identity – our being, the One who dwells within -- is unchanging.
In any case, our physical-form – a living-miracle by any standards – is made new every seven years. We know this is true by the fact that our younger bodies are passed-away as our present bodies are being renewed. However, dwelling in self-centredness, consequently causes the body to age according to belief.
Fortunately, false-belief doesn’t age our being; thank God!
Again, what’s needed, is to let intelligent-life – in season -- complete the job of finishing our personal maturing-process, so that our triune-capacity of mind, emotional-realm, and body, can fulfil their life-purpose, as designed and ordained.
By interfacing heaven (above), and earth (below), divine-dominion has the means, the control-mechanism of collective humanity (us), to fill our worlds with heavenly-blessings.
Hi Suzanne,
What I’ve said previously bears reiteration, since it’s either not been understood, or seems too far removed from self-centredness, which is the cause of mankind’s ignorance of our life-purpose. To come out of self-centredness, which is cute in kids, but grotesque in grown-ups, takes maturity at any age.
Were we not conditioned – during our childhood formative years, before our unadulterated child-mind attains its wisdom-teeth of logic-and-reason; i.e., the ability of: ‘learning to think creatively’ – by education, so obviously committed in seducing us to: ‘seek happiness’, instead of bringing it, then we would mature naturally.
As you wisely say: ‘It will come from a collective “aha” that throws humanity’s switch from being selfish to being cooperative.’ However, the ‘switch’ mustn’t be allowed to stop (be arrested by self-centredness), to a point of higher-selfishness of cooperating with others likewise-conditioned. That been tried ad-nauseum for millennia!
What’s needed, is to allow intelligent-life to complete the job of finishing our individual maturing-process, so that our miraculous capacity-of-mind, designed and ordained to interface with life-purpose (above), and our world (below), so that divine-dominion is enabled to fill our worlds with heavenly-blessings. Does that make sense?
Yours, warmly and sincerely, Peter
It does make sense that it's an evolving universe where humanity's realization would be to get to where it operates like a family.
It made me think of a contest for the best description of the master game for humanity. Just working from yours: What's needed is to speed up our individual maturing process so we are the instruments for uniting the material with the spiritual in the family humanity needs to become.
When I saw the title of this post, it reminded me of some thoughts I've been having recently about the title subject. It's begun to dawn on me that "saving the world" is a highly emotional phrase. It's tempting to believe that most other people would think like us if only they had the same information. However, people definitely place priorities in different orders and sometimes with stark gaps between those priorities. Some recent election results around the world show that, generally, people are most concerned with what is happening to them now and how they view the next year or few. Long term environmental health (which itself is a subjective assessment) is not something that concerns most voters, or even most people (despite a vocal minority suggesting otherwise).
At an objective level, the world doesn't need saving. It will be here long after humans, and many other species, go extinct. It would be nice to maintain or increase biodiversity, to avoid the loss of various systems and features (e.g. glaciers), especially where such loss would impact our lives, either physically or emotionally. But this is an emotional target. There is no objective reason for reaching it.
These, to me, are worrying thoughts because, from recent evidence, as mentioned above, most people seem to be much more concerned with maintaining modernity/civilisation and improving their own standard of living within it, than some nebulous objective that might impact some future generation (even if that view is misguided, in terms of the immediacy of impacts).
There is surely much more to say on this as I continue to mull it over. If this does spark a thread, apologies for not being able to engage for a few weeks, as I begin a (within country) two week vacation.
What you've reviewed is the given that needs to get attention given the precariousness of humanity's position. Saving the world, that's really meant to be saving humanity, is the serious concern we're not taking seriously, so what to do?
Does acting lawfully and losing our country make sense?…you ask.
When lawyers are willing to sabotage the laws of our country with delays and appeals that lack?…what word here?…”merit” maybe, the answer to your ending question is playing out in real time.
I’ve never really understood how lawyers account for their defense of defendants they believe are guilty. I guess everyone is not cut out to be a lawyer.
My dad was an eminent one, president of his Bar Association, and when he died they closed all the courthouses in our county for half a day in his honor....and I never understood that either!
I was talking about the law, like no coups. But wait, what to do when evil takes over and laws are not being obeyed by our adversaries? The Democrats' law-abiding nature does seem like it gives us a winning strategy.
Is our fear of fascism a red herring? It would be if and only if the term is bandied about recklessly which would water down the historical content and meaning of what fascism is. So rather than using the term to identify specific behavior, talk about the behavior’s impact without naming it. It might seem appropriate to compare a current behavior with an historic event, but even that could focus on the label without addressing the issue. All too often we as humans rely on our patterned conditioning without actually thinking.
Plenty of fascistic thinking is going on, but there are too many of us for America to become a fascist country, and rather than deal with that turn attention to the oligarchs taking over. That's the real threat to us.
Suzanne wrote: Does acting lawfully and losing our country make sense?
I don’t understand this. It seems to say that taking a stand against Trump and his minions using the law will result in losing our country. How?
i.e. Why don't we stage a coup?