Mar 19·edited Mar 19Liked by Suzanne Taylor

This is very fertile ground you are cultivating. Anything’s possible, and much is probable. These are the formative days/weeks/months, and many ideas and alternatives are being explored and developed. We’ll look back on these times as Dickens wrote in his classic Tale of Two Cities…”These were the worst of times; these were the best of times”…but the good news will be that we’ll get through the worst quicker, and on to the best.

This is how and where much good will be accomplished if we all stay open, clear and bold. “Boldness has magic in it,” Goethe wrote. “Do it NOW.”

We are…and you are giving us the inspiration and place to formulate, create, experience and practice cooperation and collaboration.

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I think this is a wonderful step in the right direction, Suzanne. The more we collaborate and realize that we're all in this together, the better our chances of turning things around. Thank you again for doing this.

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Mar 19Liked by Suzanne Taylor

Suzanne, I am so happy that you have found others who want to communicate and find solutions to the terrible predicament that we’re all in. I salute all. The entries were creative, heartfelt, sincere and possible. I’m excited that you have a new group of interactive, excited soulmates. I have great faith in your endeavors and your new friends. If there is a way you can find it. Thank you.

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Mar 19Liked by Suzanne Taylor

What a wonderful success. You’ve found each other and who knows what magic will prevail when you continue sharing all your brilliance with each other.

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Your "Inside the Intelligence" functions as another essay on what we all can do. Thanks for putting it out for us.

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What a wonderful idea! The goodness in us has been waiting SO long to be generally manifested in our global affairs; it is our direct connection to our Creator, who is Goodness itself and whose central core is Love. it's all there, just waiting for us to awaken to it and enter into the new life that in our hearts we always knew was not just possible but in fact, our destiny. Haven't we seen enough Wrong yet to step right up to it and say NO?

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Suzanne, I think what made your contest a success and inspired so many to write is that it had a premise of optimism, which is in short supply.

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Dear all, you too can spread the wonderful word by restacking this for Suzanne, thankyou, Maurice

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