ONCE UPON A TIME IS NOW for a campaign to change the world
Everything will change if we adopt the Universe Story.
We are in a great mystery, like characters in a who done it trying to solve the riddles of existence. People are stuck in a heartless world now. We make our way, but how much time do we spend being radiantly happy?
Like fish not knowing they are in water we are afloat in meaninglessness. Glitter abounds, but that’s not where the goods are. Even the pleasures that riches afford don’t stop celebrity suicides. For everyone, being tuned into the miracle of life beats waking up to another day to get through.
We feel alive and fulfilled when we are part of something grand. Then, doing for others feels as good as doing for ourselves. We get a taste of that in every disaster.
We need a big aha where the sense of our possibility outshines the prevalence of our despair. Can we get there?
We would create fundamental change, where we’d go from opposition to cooperation, from selfishness to altruism, from separation to unity, if we adopted the Universe Story.
Why do we need a story?
“Stories are the coding that shape what we believe, what we choose, who we are – how we think, feel, and act every day. They shape our understanding of the world and the way we act in it, so stories shape the world itself.”
Brian Thomas Swimme, the Universe Story storyteller
“The ultimate creativity manifests through relationships…We are deepening and complexifying our relationships and out of that a new Earth is coming forth.”
How to get the world tuned in
Invite forward thinkers into a massive coalition with everyone intent on getting us to change course. The idea of a single goal to accomplish in the here and now isn’t in play. Analyses of how we got where we are and critiques of how badly we are doing abound. Blueprints for how the world could be are in good supply. What isn’t to be found anywhere is dealing with how to get from where we are to where we need to be. Creating this giant coalition to teach the Universe Story to the world could change everything.
Let’s create a campaign for tuning into a story that makes up excited to be alive and wanting to take care of the Earth, as you’d understand from Brian’s video. Thanks to the internet we can do it. If we see ourselves as keepers of Earth instead of her exploiters, we’ll make fundamental changes. Adopting the Universe Story as our story would be the most impactful thing that we could do.
The coalition would circulate Brian’s video and the story animation to tell and sell the new tale. We’d be tuning everyone into how we’re evolving on a living Earth instead of exploiting a dead rock. This being science news, talk shows could tell the new tale, ads could use this theme, late-night TV shows could joke about it, pundits could write about it … it could be everywhere.
Being powerless now as separate entities, our ever-growing coalition could change that. There are more campaigns it could take on, like Kate Raworth’s Doughnut Economics being accepted as our new economic model and getting all of Norway’s justice system to be adopted here -- one campaign after another to recreate our lives themed with celebration instead of with struggle.
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For sure it's testimony to there being more to go after than money and fame, which is so valuable to comprehend in this materialistic world we're living in.
I agree that the Universe Story is a crucial context for a cultural shift in who the human is and our species role in this evolution of life on this planet. Indigenous people get it. A movement that makes sure children are raised with this reality-based story will go a long way toward a consciousness shift that sees every form of life as kin and family. Someone said: The new Buddha will be a sanga. I believe the shift will not be orchestrated around a single effort or idea or pole. Each one of us who carries the light of the whole must now activate our selves, our networks and our resources to apply the sense we hold to wherever we can wield influence. All our tributaries will join as life nourishing rivers that carve and influence the human landscape. It will not be one thing, one idea, one project that can cause the shift. It will be our hearts responding to one love for the magnificence and beauty of organic life here, and our desire to preserve and enhance its potentials for diversity, growth, consciousness, belonging.
Our body is a teacher. One heart circulates the nutrients and hormones to the many functions fulfilled by other organs. The Universe Story inspires a noble outlook on why each human is here.
It must be promoted along with every life-affirmiing, earth-centric initiative --concurrently.
A Gap in our implementation: We need a means of collectively reinvigorating our will to stay faithful to making the changes that are called for. Sundays could be the time of collective sharing our love for the Earth, our inspired efforts to restore and enhance her ecosystems, our collective hope for a healthier, saner future. Each person's efforts would be celebrated.
I see additional initiatives that I feel are significant aspects of a cultural shift. The energy and direction of the conversation you introduced here are VITAL.
Let's encourage each other as we develop our ideas into actions