All right! I liked this. We are on the same page. Notes I jotted down: “Must want to know the truth (to not go over the cliff)…We use bandaids…Problem as wrongness, ignorance.”

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I think that very few of us realize how enormous what things have come to on this planet really is, (Marianne Williamson does, and there she was; we could [theoretically] have elected her President!) because most of us habitually cling to the bubble of our normal individual perceptions, making it difficult for us to see what's going on outside that bubble. Which is perfectly understandable; that bubble is our personal reality, and anything that threatens to change it feels as though it would pull the rug out from under our feet. But you can't have your cake and eat it too.

I think that it would be good if we could somehow emphasize that although our current peril is immense, the opportunity that peril provides is literally infinitely greater if we can wake up and fly right. If we can't, we'll put ourselves in a serious backward eddy in the stream of the human journey. But the real Truth is begging us to turn to it and realize that it is wonderful beyond words to tell. The key is to truly want to know the Truth, because when we turn toward it, it turns toward us and all sorts of things happen that couldn't happen when we were turned away from it.

That is the purpose of my latest book "The Choice"; to make it as clear as I can that we've brought the human journey to a critical point where we must realize that the only problem we ever had is that we have problems, each of which is no more nor less than an example of the REAL Problem, which is Wrongness itself, in any form, ever. Think about it; any problem you can bring up is defined as a problem by the fact that something is Wrong; each individual problem is a sore caused by the main disease. So let's cure the disease. Put the medicine at the root of the tree, and we won't have to center our attention on the countless bunches of browning leaves.

One absolutely essential thing that we must realize in order to even begin to define the real Human Journey is that we do not die. We just don't. When we leave this world our body gets re-distributed among the materials of the Earth, but we (the "Me" that owns and operates "my" body) does not cease to exist; we go right on living in the next world. So long as we fail to realize this at least as a viable hypothesis we're dealing with only one page in a gigantic, magnificent book.

We have no idea (yet) how wonderful we are. As Joni Mitchell so beautifully put it: "We are stardust; we are golden, and we've got to get ourselves back to The Garden."

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Suzanne, thank you for encouraging us to act and think YLTNEREFFID...

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Suzanne, these could be kindred spirits for you proposed conversation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUJ-3nyAajM

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Thanks so much. A big yes for sending me to a meta-thinker. Here's the comment I left:

"I have a request out for meta thinkers, dealing with how to turn this world around to see ourselves as sacred creatures tending our Earth home, superseding our current identity as rugged individualists getting the most we can. Seeing no comments here, where you are essentially up to the same thing, is not surprising. So few people are looking for what actually can be done now to give us the best chance to avert an apocalypse.

"To comment on this presentation, we have the Big Bang event. It is the most important thing to be tuned into to get us to identify as one humanity where we care about each other as much as we care about ourselves. Hubble showed us we're in an expanding universe in a common soup and not in a fixed universe on a planet here for our use.

"If I ran the world I'd tune people into the Universe Story -- from Teilhard to Thomas Berry to Brian Swimme, and how to do that attuning is a main subject of mine. Yes, conversation everywhere, but how to not only get them to happen but to provide the fodder for a shared understanding so it's not the blind leading the blind but aware people making others aware. My latest is to get a little committee of meta-thinkers to be a kind of think tank on this subject: https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/p/looking-for-a-committee-to-think."

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Just as the Climate is a-changing, so are Humanities Winds of Change a-blowing from the ReStacking Fans...... Discover and use the Power of Restacking. It worked for the Essay, it can work for the Planet too...

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It's the first time I put ways to get this shared, that you are so expert at, at the bottom of this Substack. Fingers crossed people pay attention!

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Thankyou for broadcasting, Suzanne, people do indeed pay attention… Even before “This Creative Adventure” Stack goes live, there’s a daily increase in visitors. Yesterday I added more pre-post info to the Site. As a result - Your work, Suzanne, and that of Julie & Leela is becoming more visible. So will the messages from Susan M.L. ….. and others……

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I love that you love Marianne Williamson's quote, “Our society calls it a mental health crisis, but in fact it’s a spiritual one.” I could not agree more. My calling for the last 45 years has been to find the spiritual in art in our time. Blessings to you Suzanne, dominique

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It's a line from the first chapter of her very new book, that jumped out at me as incredibly profound. And you're invited to share any spiritually inspiring artwork you've turned out!

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This is excellent Suzanne, thanks very much.

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