Hi Suzanne, I like this post, it's a good call to action. Did I tell you that I have restored an old bench and table, inline with Leela's brilliant concept ? Now busy with artwork based on them both as a banner for my new stack to promo these conversations for change https://thiscreativeadventure keep up the good work, Maurice

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I keep holding in mind how that benches idea could spread -- as something we-the-people could do to get us to be a loving world. If anyone has any ideas for how bench-building could become a fad, where carpenters everywhere would turn them out, have a say!

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It seems to me that the most pressing issue right now is preventing WWIII and nuclear holocaust

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I agree, since with nuclear weapons in existence any day could be our last. However, since the only way to secure safety would be to get rid of all weapons, that would require the most sweeping body of change where humanity en masse becomes a cooperative enterprise. It's what I push for, but is hard to see occurring with any immediacy . There is a stopgap move we could make, however, that we are insane not to be dealing with: "A Conversation with Daniel Ellsberg About Nuclear Weapons": https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/p/for-everyone-in-the-civilized-world ,

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Not sure what I can add to all of your valiant efforts to bring about healthy, positive change, but I’m heartened to see and feel a noticeable trend in that direction almost daily. Perhaps it’s my rose-colored glasses and fervent optimism, but I’m noticing more courteous drivers and acts of kindness taking place around me at delightfully increasing rate…even if still minuscule by comparison with the level of divisiveness, hate and anger that has come to characterize these times.

Keep going…keep believing in the capacity for human spirit to overcome this darkness, and we will experience a Tipping Point for humanity in our lifetimes yet, I believe.

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You think? Maybe. Let's see if others start saying that. If true, it could be there's more sensitivity to bad behavior from watching Trump.

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Yes it's true, just as your comment on sensitivity. They walk hand in hand.......

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Yes Don, changes positive are a-growing. I am also noticing a few folk using, like yourself, "Tipping Point" in this useful context....

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Pondering all of this. Having a debate watch party with some smart women in our neighborhood.

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I'm just getting an itch for pondering with some smart people in L.A. Do you know any?

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