I didn't know much of Tim Shriver until I heard your podcast with him. What an impressive guy.

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Really. He's so right for the job that it's a puzzlement that no one has picked up on it.

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Oh Suzanne!! What great and interesting news! My husband and I -- having watched all painful 90 minutes of the debate--spent the morning agonizing. We want to be loyal to Biden but we love our country more! Who could run in place, we could not think of someone sufficiently and powerfully upstanding, who shows more vividly than Biden is now able, what are country IS and should/ could be all about. Shriver would bring the BEST of the Kennedy era to the fore...

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Biden isn't sharp anymore. No initiative to combat Trump but trying with mumbly numbers to negate his massive lies. Someone said evil vs feeble. I can't imagine Biden running. My suggestion is so good. Spread it if you can.

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Thank you for this introduction, Suzanne. I’m grateful to listen to someone as articulate and positive in politics. Last night’s debate was deeply disturbing to those of us who have appreciated Joe Biden’s leadership and service to our country. His frailties were on display-and Trump seized every opportunity to criticize, lie and belittle him. A sad spectacle. If Tim Shriver was interested in being a part of the Biden campaign and administration, he would be a breath of fresh air. I am so happy to learn about him. Again, thank you! Contact Maria, she’s a very good force of nature herself, though I think she’s too busy to involve herself in politics.

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I don't know how to get to Maria. I've tried. You?

Deeply deeply disturbing. Biden is the leader of the free world when he doesn't have the mental acuity to lead anything or the perspective to know he's finished. I'd bet the farm that he wont run. And that Tim would win in a landslide.

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I have no inroads to Maria, I’ve only met her at social gatherings.

I’m going to disagree with you about Biden, because I respect the administration that he’s got working for him and for our government. I see what they continue to accomplish despite the corrupt SCOTUS. I don’t believe that he is finished, but I do realize there’s a real possibility that we may see Kamala Harris become President if Joe were to become unable to continue during his Presidency. I think he’s going to run, and I think he’s going to win. I read Heather Cox Richardson’s daily newsletter and she’s about as sharp as any historical commentator I know of…and she and I believe much the same. I wouldn’t bet the farm, Suzanne. It’s early, today Biden spoke far better than he did last night. Clear headed and powerful. He turned in a poor debate performance and froze on some key issues and answers. He’s old. He admits it. I’m still voting for him.

I don’t think you could pay Tim Shriver enough to run. I also don’t think he has any experience with the World politics and that’s where Joe knows the turf. He inherited a foul bag of problems and I think all things considered, he’s done a great job.

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Kudos for what Biden has done, but he is cognitively declining (reading from a teleprompter is another universe) and that will get worse, not to mention undecideds he needs not voting for him after that performance.

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I feel for the President. I believe he wishes the best for America, but he fails to see his own frailty. I hope he thinks about his own health and chooses to avoid running for reelection.

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Trump and Biden share an incapacity for self-reflection -- sad about Biden and terrifying about Trump.. Watching Biden, the leader of the free world, being so out of it, was unbearable.

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