As someone who grew up in this house, I concur that magical things, and people, happen here.

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The videographer is heard from!!! So much love...

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Suzanne, it was wonderful to read about the genesis of Mighty Companions. Even though you gave me a page on that website, I never heard this story! I have always loved your passion for spreading the truth (and doing it in such a selfless, generous way). And it was heart-opening to watch the tour of your house on your birthday video. You have always made me feel so at home there. I look forward to our next adventure together! You always do everything with such pizza! Loving you always, 💓 Ramana

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So nice for old loves to be showing up here! Speaking of spiritual systems! I'm still working off what I connected to working with you when you were Yukio, doing RADICAL AWAKENING: "Never take another workshop to find yourself again" :https://mightycompanions.org/yukio/

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Thanks, Suzanne! Oh, the typo in my last comment was meant to say "pizzazz" (darn spell checker ; I don't think I ever had pizza in your house in all the years I was there). 😂

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Suzanne... I love the passion you have for family, Brian Swimme, and all the ways which help the world became a better, saner place...!

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Don't we go way back for how long both of us have been at this.

Hey, readers, get a dose of how Jim does it from another spiritual system that I've spent time it. "Jim teaches a fast path to freedom": Zoom Meetings every Thursday 6 pm & Saturday 10 am PT. Zoom link: /us02web.zoom.us/j/89042816654?pwd=VVkvTldFTk82aWFqbVArc3RPUjFBQT09#success

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I had no clue where "mighty companions" came from! For some reason I connected it with animals. LOL Also, what a great story! The tax pitfalls of doing important work we don't get paid for! I remember when I had Catalyst, that was a 501 c 3. Every once in a while, I was able to "pay myself" something for all the hours I did the work. Most of my living expenses (as a single mom of three boys it was hard being an activist in the 80s!) came from payment for articles, speaking gigs, and royalties from my books. But there were the checks from Catalyst, and I diligently filed taxes each year though my income was way under the threshold for actually having to pay anything. I sometimes got the earned income tax credit that was helpful! Then . . . one day I get a notice from the IRS that I owed thousands of dollars to social security because I didn't take it out of my "paychecks". I had no clue for one thing. But ignorance will get you nowhere. So for 4 loooong years every EITC I was entitled to went to Social Security. When I was struggling to pay rent and feed my boys. It hurt. And it sucked. Finally, one year I got a check for something like $30.00 and I knew I'd managed to pay all I owed. Luckily no one threatened to arrest me!

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You could have used my angel!

I hope you got paid for how I found you in 2007: PARTICIPATING WITH THE UNIVERSE: AN INTERVIEW WITH BRIAN SWIMME With passion and playfulness, the renowned cosmologist acknowledges the precipice that humanity is teetering on while celebrating the awe of existence and the ever-present potential for profound transformation. https://noetic.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/S15_Intentions_Swimme_ParticipatingWithUniverseInterview.pdf

Help me figure out how to get the past to pay off for you now!!!!

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I'm older than dirt and don't remember when or where we met; probably at one of the UFO conferences long ago, but I have followed you over the years. I'm the San Diego Mufon contact and run a monthly zoom meeting on the 3rd Sunday at 6 pm. I can send you an invite if you like. It's free. We have some really good speakers. Maybe you?? I was a big left brain engineer but have softened in old age. What you are doing is very valuable right now. I've been closely following the ET movement and look forward to Disclosure, but also recognize the short-term problems. Follow the money! Good to contact you again. Let's stay in touch. wilw31@gmail.com

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Meet you in the mud now. Great to stay in touch. Love to participate with you -- and maybe present. My crop circle docs had me in that UFO world for a long stretch for the chance to shift the very fundamentals of who we think we are, but humans being the screw-ups we are that world fell apart. I write about here: https://suespeaks.org/crop-circles. I'm still on the hunt for what we coudl do, but happy if the ETs come long and do it for me!

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A fascinating story, Suzanne! I love it when people have a change of heart.

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A sweetheart at the IRS! Who would have thunk it?

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Here are 25 ideas for fostering more love and compassion in the world:

Practice Active Listening – Genuinely listen to others without interrupting or offering advice, fostering understanding and empathy.

Random Acts of Kindness – Surprise someone with a small gesture of kindness, like paying for a stranger’s coffee or leaving an encouraging note.

Volunteer Regularly – Dedicate time to helping those in need, whether at a homeless shelter, animal rescue, or community garden.

Support Mental Health Awareness – Advocate for better mental health resources and destigmatize seeking help.

Create Inclusive Spaces – Actively ensure that spaces, both physical and virtual, welcome all people, regardless of background or identity.

Encourage Gratitude Practices – Share and promote daily gratitude habits to focus on positivity and connection.

Forgive Past Hurts – Release grudges or old grievances, freeing up energy for love and compassion.

Teach Empathy to Children – Encourage kids to understand the feelings of others, building the next generation of compassionate adults.

Foster Cross-Cultural Exchange – Support or participate in cultural exchange programs that promote mutual respect and understanding.

Combat Loneliness – Reach out to those who may be isolated or lonely, particularly the elderly or vulnerable groups.

Celebrate Differences – Embrace diversity in all its forms and encourage others to see differences as strengths.

Practice Mindfulness – Cultivate inner peace and compassion by practicing mindfulness and meditation, spreading calm and kindness.

Lead by Example – Be the change you want to see by embodying love, kindness, and respect in your daily life.

Donate to Causes You Believe In – Support charities and movements that promote love, equality, and justice for all.

Create Art That Inspires Love – Use creative mediums like music, painting, or writing to inspire love and connection in others.

Educate Against Prejudice – Speak out against racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of discrimination, promoting equality.

Be Kind to the Environment – Show love for the planet by living sustainably and advocating for environmental protection.

Encourage Open Conversations – Create safe spaces for people to share their feelings and stories without judgment.

Celebrate Small Wins – Encourage others to recognize and celebrate even small successes, spreading positivity.

Give Thoughtful Compliments – Genuinely compliment someone on their character or actions to lift their spirits.

Support LGBT+ Communities – Advocate for equal rights, understanding, and visibility for LGBT+ individuals.

Practice Self-Love – Take care of yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally, so you can extend love to others from a place of wholeness.

Send Love Letters – Write letters (physical or digital) expressing love and appreciation to family, friends, or even strangers.

Encourage Empathy in the Workplace – Promote a workplace culture where kindness, compassion, and respect are prioritized.

Start a Community Project – Organize local initiatives like community gardens, neighborhood clean-ups, or support groups that foster love and connection.

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All good ideas, but what are they doing here? Please say something about why they are posted where they aren't relevant.

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