You have made valiant efforts to get the attention of the "patriotic billionaires." Thanks for calling out this issue. Yes, they should be spending their money in a better way. But they shouldn't have all that money to begin with. No one should. Taxes on the rich used to be much higher, and with that we could at least have some hope of dealing with our society's issues in some organized way. Depending on the whims of the rich is not working.

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I'm with you. I've repeatedly written about that as something that could have enormous effect. Here's another time I took a stab at it: https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/p/out-on-some-limbs-about-billionaires

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Indeed, Suzanne! A change in mindset is crucial and attainable. Persistance is a necessary strategy as we don't know who is receptive to the mesage. Kudos...

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Thanks, Mary. I sometimes think if I had a tombstone it should say "She was persistent." True confession is I get a sense I'm doing some whistling in the dark for how I get cheered on but can't find players to whistle with me. I could use an influencer to call attention to what I'm putting out, like if Oprah gave me a hi-five!

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It's a scary thought but the super-rich only get goods and services with their money because the rest us provide them. That is our choice, we could make another one!

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Funny if a category of prejudice was against the super -rich: "No super rich allowed here." Pass that along to Saturday Night Live!

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I feel you, Suzanne. May it be so. We keep going...

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